i got my posh yarn order in the mail today. i had to pile it up in my yarn basket (which seems to be getting a bit full) and photograph it in the natural light coming in the window upstairs. it's all even more beautiful and soft and luxurious than i had imagined. i seriously need to get better at knitting so that i can turn it all into something lovely. we're feeling a bit tired after our big day out at møn's klint yesterday, so we're going to do nothing more strenuous than rolling the skeins into balls. the green ones on top are last week's posh yarn order, which we already rolled. oops, this is turning into an addiction.
I adore these images, esp that first one. I could just blow it up and frame it - it is so lovely.
i guess i am so un-blog-savvy that i only just realized you commented on this post! how awesome! i read YOUR blog all the time (and we're even going to morocco this summer for our holiday, having not been there in 10 years because you reawakened my interest). how totally awesome and honored i am that you read mine! thank you!! even if it is a bit belated!!! sorry about that, i'm only just getting the hang of this..i thought i was pretty much writing to myself until, well, this week!!
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