yesterday, this space was opened up right beside my desk. it's the former end of our house, now open onto the new room (which is still in a state of extreme unfinishedness). there were four windows in this space until yesterday, when husband took them away to reuse them in his workshop that's taking shape in the garden. although there were four large windows here, the difference it makes that they and all of their framing are now gone is simply amazing. it's so open and light and expansive now and although it's unfinished, it's amazing to be able to look at the room below and out onto the back garden.

there will be a frame around this opening so that it feels finished , but it will remain open and lovely like this--no new windows or shutters or anything will go in.

i feel a thrill of excitement at the possibilities it opens up. we do want to be able to have a shade of sorts in this space, so that we can close it for privacy--it is, after all, our bedroom here upstairs and will be the dining room in the addition below. our desks are at each end of the room right now and although my computer and creative space will move into the writing house in the garden, there will still be a desk here on each side.

so, i'm sketching and daydreaming about making a fabric shade that looks good from both sides. so many influences are tumbling in my head and i'm trying to sketch them all out, to get an idea of which direction to go. i'm pondering a natural linen base for the shade and color palettes for each side--blues and greens for the bedroom and reds and oranges for the dining room below. although i'm currently obsessed with
helleristninger (nordic petroglyphs), i'm going to try to do something else. a sort of a modern quilt-feel with perhaps shades of turkish influence. i'll share some sketches and maybe even fabric swatches soon.
My carpenter's eye loves this kind of work. Does the heater stay where it is? And the space remains open to the dinning below (I onced designed a shower that looks over onto the entry!)
Transformation of your living (and sleeping) space can serve as transformation to the soul (just read my blog--he shamelessly promotes). Keep looking outwards, while designing the fabric from the heart of you inside, and the two worlds will meet!
hi kip--thanks for stopping by! and for the good advice...i too believe that this transformation of our space is transforming our souls and our entire life. i think we've become very much more open to things...not that we were really that closed before, but i feel more open even just to decorating ideas, colors and such, as our house has expanded, so has our thinking.
and no, the big, behemoth radiator isn't going to fact, it's already disconnected, it just has to be taken downstairs. we'll be getting a much more petite one.
Magnificant, I can only imagine that the view from that incredible window is just as amazing, Barb
How lovely! I can't wait for you to share more...
Your home fills me with wonder. So much beauty and light.
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