Thursday, November 20, 2008

moo moo and an interview

a big thank you and a big hug to everyone who left sweet comments and sent sweet emails about yesterday's post. i think that a big part of why i shared our sorrowful news is that i knew i would feel that rush of love and support from near and far.  you guys are awesome. i don't know what i did before i had all of you.

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today, i'm going to a interview for a real job. after doing the consulting thing for nearly a year, i'm ready to be an employee again. i need the structure of going to an office every day. and i especially need daily human interaction with other adults who are not my husband or the teachers at sabin's school or the grocery store checkout people (who are often not adults, if i think about it). and i need someone else to be responsible for calculating the VAT, that drives me mad.  i'm wearing my favorite gap dress (quite akin to the audit dress ), awesome wolford tights (which of their tights are not awesome, i ask you), my big-ass celebrate obama ring and the new chanel no. 5 eau premiére. so it can't possibly go wrong.

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last evening, after a 9:30 p.m. cup of licorice tea to soothe my throat, i was wide awake until well after midnight. but it was only partially the tea. it was largely because of moo cards. beautiful little mini calling cards with your best pictures on them. and you can actually upload 100 pictures at a time (which takes awhile, i can tell you) and get one card of each picture if you want! i went a little mad ordering sets of the Summer of Fun for the kids for christmas and then of course, some just for me. oh, and i downloaded the blurb booksmart software and started working on a book (or two)! tangobaby did both of these things long ago and has been encouraging me to do so for ages. i felt a little stupid for not knowing what moo cards were, so i never really got around to it. but now i have, big stylie! and i have to say that it was so much fun, i'm not sure what i was waiting for!

here's one of the pictures i used on a moo card, just as a teaser:
aren't they pretty? festive bottles of absolut, all dressed up for the holidays in the copenhagen airport.

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and one more thing to share before i go fix myself for the interview...i found a few minutes on tuesday afternoon to visit the wonderful norway designs in oslo, where i bought the coolest cards by darling clementine . i feel very inspired to make some gocco prints after seeing these cards.
ok, gotta run....


Amanda said...

Much, much good luck! I can't wait to hear about the interview.

I think I too will have to check out the moo cards. Looks like fun! Glad you are felling a bit better!

hele said...

I am sending good luck the way of the interviewer. How incredibly fortunate they will be to get to work with you.

Gwen said...

I hope your interview went spectacularly!

Janni said...

Love the card with the deer - so sweet.
Do you have a new job by now?

Anonymous said...

Hoping the interview went wonderfully! I love Norway Designs too! You picked up some great cards!

tangobaby said...

Oh lotsa lotsa luck! But I know you'll be stellar! Plus, you smell nice and that's very important. ;-)

I'm soooo glad you're starting on your book and I want to be first in line to order one. And please do throw in some moo cards, too. You will squeak when you get them. They're so dang cute!

Good for YOU! xoxo

Andi said...

Have a great interview!!! And I LOVE those Absolut bottles. I always think they're pretty, but those are exceptional. ;)