Tuesday, March 10, 2009

because i just want to be loved...

thanks undoubtedly to the ever-fabulous tangobaby (i may soon have to start referrring to her as EFTB) and our collaborative blog--the julie project--my follower numbers are rising. and as much as i try not to care, i do care. kind of a lot.  as i write this, they are at 47. so i hereby declare that #50 will get a little prezzie from me. to be honest, i don't know yet what it will be, but let's just say that i hope you like eyeballs. :-) and because i want to be fair to my beloved "old" followers as well, i'll choose one of you too. :-)  anybody who has just been lurking, now would be a good time to come out of the woodwork! :-)

and in the meantime, go check out the julie project.

thank you for reading!!


will said...

Fair is fair... I suggest something for all West Coasters!

d smith kaich jones said...

You must have a much better site meter (or whatever) than I do. I can tell the "regulars", but if someone new peeked in, I wouldn't have the foggiest about how to contact that person. In the meantime, suffice it to say that I am loving the 2 Julies together and separately.

:) Debi

julochka said...

ok, now i'm cracking myself up. my follower count has actually dropped to 46. guess somebody didn't like this. oh well....too funny!!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I'm reading your numbers at 47 and enjoy the read all the time! BTW, I'm secretly crossing my fingers..I like being an oldie!

Samantha S said...

I have not been lurking, promise. Have just found you today. I like the idea of a prezzie. Will I be No.50?

Bee said...

The follower thing is truly weird. I try not to care, too, but it always cheers me up when someone decides to "follow" me.

julecon is word verification . . . possible dark humor there

tangobaby said...

"i hope you like eyeballs"... well, that's a teaser if I ever heard one. I can't wait to see who your 50th Eyeball Winning Winner is.

I know you're still awake and reading this. Go to BED.

Char said...

well it only stand to reason we faithful ones can join in the fun....we knew the secret for a bit now. :)

Just Jules said...

funny funny that one person dropped out. I am so glad to hear that it effects others - the following numbers that is. I also find myself counting comments ... then I think "when did I become a comment slut? Stop it!" this is me talking to myself.

Maybe the person who dropped out has an aversion to eyeballs outside of ones head? Ok it is late SD and the snow (storm)are getting to me and maybe too much chlorine from 5 hours in a water park

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that someone dropped out in the hope of re-following as your #50.
Not that I had that thought, honestly!

Sandra said...

I have the followers widget, it's a strange thing. It is ego boosting that people read what we write, but for me, it is also strange. I don't want to write to a crowd and I'm not, I'm rather obscure. But I do read the burgeoning blogs and wonder how it feels. Do you change, do you feel obligated? Does it become a job or does it increase your own interest? In the meantime, congrats. You have an interesting blog and I know I enjoy reading what you have to say.

Lynne said...

You may find that there are lots of followers that don't show up... I subscribe to your blogs (3 of them!) on bloglines! According to Bloglines you have eight subscribers.

Magpie said...

Funny - I've never paid attention to the "followers" - you have a lot more than I do, via Google anyway.