Friday, March 20, 2009

i did it!

i'm on etsy! as a seller, not just a buyer. go and check it out!

i just listed my first five items, including the famous eyeball pillows.


Magpie said...

You slay me. Where do you find the time?

Just Jules said...

I would buy it just so when I had that "someone is watching me" feeling I could blame it on the pillow ;)

tangobaby said...

Wow! That's awesome. Congratulations.

Can we request custom orders? I want a necklace made of something scavenged off of a container ship. You can put an eyeball on it if you want.


ps. My word verification is "ingships"!

Maggie May said...

hey! congratulations:) how cool. i love the eyeball pillow

Bee said...

That pillow definitely pops out at you! Congrats on going public.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Well congratulations to you!! The pillow reminds me of an aquarium...great in a seaside home.

Char said...

congrats!!! I am going to do the same before the summer is over. I have a goal!!

a toast to celebrate the beginning of a great adventure.

Brenda Pruitt said...

I love that! Especially the shade of blue. Looks like the ocean at night.

kristina said...

congrats! and have a lovely weekend!