Friday, April 17, 2009

friday loves

big 2 kilo boxes of strawberries for 50DKK in the grocery store:

dipping said strawberries in white and milk chocolate:

tomato plant seedlings in the sunshine:

thank the higher being it's friday...


Jelica said...

I could have those strawberries right now :)

Just Jules said...

and they are on your new dessert plates!

heidikins said...

Amen, to all of the above.


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Those strawberries look yummy...I'll be right over after a hop, skip & a jump...LOL!

Elizabeth said...

Wow, they look delicious.

Just have to wait a few more weeks and than it is my turn to have the best strawberries of the island. Looking forward too the strawberry-season.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Those strawberries look delectable in chocolate!

Delwyn said...

Hi Julie
what a good idea to use up all the left over easter eggs...I'll be buying strawbs at the farmers' market tomorrow at 6am....

Char said...

oh yum

Relyn Lawson said...

Oooo yum. I've got to head to the store for strawberries. Now.

will said...

Got some strawberries in the fridge ... come on over for dessert.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting impatiently for my tomato seedlings to come out.

Polly said...

I never tried strawberries dipped in chocolate but I hear they're good. Shame strawberries are not in season yet here in England...

Laura Doyle said...

How yummy looking! The other night I mixed baking cocoa with powdered sugar and dipped my strawberries in lieu of liquid chocolate, we were out. Was still pretty good.

My tomatoes just poked there little heads out of the dirt. What variety are yours? I always find the sort of tomatoes someone chooses, to be interesting.

BTW, I don't think I mentioned it yet but I wanted to thank you for your encouragement when I get all "deep thinking". No one else does that except you, so it's really nice. : )

Meri said...

Isn't it just amazing that something as sweet and tasty as strawberries or raspberries are incredibly good for you, too? And not fattening (unless dipped in chocolate, and even then, who cares).

charlie said...

gimme gimme!! those strawberries look sooooooo sinfully good!!