Saturday, April 11, 2009

a perfect day

the sun was shining brightly on the white cliffs of møn's klint
i took the pooka with me and let her use the D60
she shows promise as a budding photographer
this is one of hers
we took along a few friends to show off their new tails in their native habitat
and a couple of their friends
and one from geninne 
it felt like there was some kind of poetry
in a stone from mexico meeting the baltic seashore
doesn't it look strikingly at home?
and there's somehow even more poetry in
geninne's stone meeting margie's stones on this shore.
and i felt somehow poetic for being the link between them.
the whole group got together on a rather eyeball looking treetrunk
you know i couldn't resist.
we took along this friend too.
isn't he sweet?
sabin made him at her afterschool program.
i spotted a few more seeing stones (thanks jules!)
a few of them may have accompanied me home
i loved wearing my wellies...
and sabin had on hers too.
they're our only matching accessory.
more tomorrow about this...
see if you can guess what it is


Char said...

gorgeous shots....and to have a budding photographer with you? heaven.

Pattern and Perspective said...

Beautiful pics. The last one looks like you might be using wax as a sealer of some sort. Maybe not, it's hard to tell.

kristina said...

absolutely beautiful photos!
I've no idea what that yellow thingie is in the last photo - I'm curious :-)

Delwyn said...

It looks like the lumps of surfboard wax that are lying all around my house.
I love the rocks and wanted to stroke them and feel their I imagine.
thanks for the rocky meander

Margie Oomen said...

wow, these photographs are really amazing and I am so happy that you took the new fossilized squid tentacle merfish for a little romp to the sea. I would love to visit that spot one day and collect some stones. I do hope you put these pictures up on flickr so I can favorite them all.
I found a few nature eyes for you in Ithaca last weekend and I will email them to you.
Happy Easter.

Rosaria Williams said...

Hi. I've come in through Hazy Moon. Your blog is refreshing.

julochka said...

margie--i think most of these pix are up on flickr now. :-)

Amanda Fonseca said...

Olá (Hi)!
Meu nome é Amanda e eu sou brasileira, de Manaus, Amazonas (My name is Amanda and I'm brazilian, from Manaus, Amazonas). Eu gostei muito (i like so much) das suas fotos (your photos). Perdoe meu inglês, ok! (forgive my english, ok! kkkkk) Fique com Deus! (Stay with God!) Beijos (kisses).