Sunday, April 05, 2009

scenes from a wedding

i think the pictures will suffice for now...


Char said...

you have some gorgeous shots there - I'm sure it was a beautiful time.

Brenda Pruitt said...

Such happy faces! Just the sight of high heels makes my back hurt.

Meri said...

Everyone looks so glow-y from the inside out. Even the children are radiant!

beth said...

beautiful....and that little girl needs to get into acting as she has the "look"....or maybe just modeling, but wow, what a face !

Pattern and Perspective said...

Lovely. Weddings are so lovely, but putting them together is a lot of work. However, at the end, it really is like starting a new. I hope your friends are now off on a fab honeymoon

Maggie May said...

Those are just the kind of images I love, full of life.

Gill said...

The pictures more than suffice.
They are darling :)

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, those faces! You captured the most wonderful expressions.

Sandra said...

Absolutely lovely.