Friday, May 22, 2009

blog crush: the fragrant muse

a glass of white wine at sunset by a beautiful, still lake
this is for you HRH TFM 

the beauty of this bloggy world is making new friends. people who very quickly feel like long lost sisters, or at least a best friend you've been missing. people who finish your sentences in an IM convo, or perhaps, due to the nature of IM, say the same thing as you at the same time. the fragrant muse is one of those people. or should i call her--her royal highness the fragrant muse. ;-)

we actually met first on flickr, when she asked me about my camera (she might have been sorry, as i issued a book to her on flickr mail, waxing philosophical about how much i adored my nikons). happily, she's got one now too. :-) and i can't wait to see what she sees with it.

she's a new blogger...she's only been blogging for about a month. but what she's done so far is very promising. like me, she had years of piano lessons and can't really play. and just today, i learned something and tomorrow, you can bet i'm going to go see if my local health food/treehugger store has some clary sage oil.  i want to see what it does to my dreams. now if she would just give me advice on the exact right oil to combat my procrastination and make me write all that stuff i need to write tomorrow...

please, go check her out, you will definitely not be sorry.


Just Jules said...

now I feel even worse. This lovely lady (and fabulous commenter) has been reading my blog and I have yet to pop over there - seriously I need some of that oil too!

Dear FM - please know your presence at my blog is not intentionally ignored. sigh

(Sorry Julie for your using your comment section for MY platform.... now I am selfish too)


good luck getting your projects written

Fidgeting Gidget said...

Thanks for the recommendation! I'm on my way to check her out right now. I love the blogosphere for reasons like this! It's great to see how everyone becomes connected!

Bee said...

Well, I have a crush on that picture! I want to be in it . . .

Beth said...

I'd have to second or third the motion to read FM...So much aromatherapy, massage and life lessons!!

christina said...

Aww I have to go on over and visit. Ya know, I have taken years of piano and if someone asked me to play, I couldn't. I would say something like- hey, lets go for ice cream instead. : )

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Beth. I've only been on here for a day and yet I can see how connected everyone is. *sigh* I'm such a newbie.

And to my dear Julochka: Thank you for the newbie support! I'm so sorry though, because you commented just after I changed my template! Apparently I couldn't link my home, profile, and archive links properly so I used a second template. Of course, I never compromised on the quality. XD It's still just as good. I have ultimately become a fan of yours! And since I trust your judgement so well, I will pop by to see that wonderful friend of yours...

rxBambi said...

Ditto on HRH TFM! I'm a newbie as well and hers was one of the first I found...probably thru yours if I remember correctly. FM seems very knowlegable and witty and I love her blog too.

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

My stars and garters. Like minds aside, I so didn’t see this coming.

Well shucks and thank you and oh poop now there’s pressure and please never post again so that this is the first one everyone sees when they go to your blog and did you notice that we both posted hot pink flowers on Friday? You need to have a serious chat with Nikon about some commission. Maybe Apple too.
Thank you everyone for your kind words.
I need to go get a bottle of lavender and clary sage and chardonnay and have a lie down now.

Janet said...

You're right, Julie. HRH TFM has got it goin' on! plus she gave me that so cool award yesterday! i just wish we lived a lot closer together. i'd so be there for a massage and some of her magic. oh- and don't forget the coffee! life is good!

and hey FM - no pressure!


Char said...

I always love your recommendations! :)

McGillicutty said...

What a wonderful recommendation.. I will be right over there to check it out. Getting a shout out from Julie is like getting an OBE or something!! hahaha. love it. Ali.

julochka said...

nalina--i went to check out your new template this morning and it wouldn't let me comment--so i hope you've come back and are reading this!

p.s. i liked the first one better. ;-)

Chiara Ulivi said...

Hi :) Love this picture with the glass of white wine... it makes me wish to be there with that glass in my hands! You're right: bloggy world is a beautiful place to meet new friends :)) Liz and her "fragrant muse" are great!
Best wishes :))

Mari Mansourian said...

newbie here too, so much learning to do in this blog world...
great picture, wish we were all there enjoying that glass of wine and chatting ;)
thanks for the recommendation, i was just there, and will be back for more.

Hit 40 said...

You got an out loud giggle from me!!!

I need a piano. Years of lessons!!! And NO PIANO!!! I have bought my boys 2 altos saxes, an acoustic and an electric guitar!!! My turn!!!

So funny!!!