Sunday, June 07, 2009

art journal fun or it's about time

last year, i took an art journaling course . i know some of my bloggy friends are taking the latest version of that course from the very creative rachel denbow. i'm not taking it this time around, but i checked out the flickr group and can see that the first assignment is about making summer resolutions. i went out to the studio to pack up my little box of craft stash and found myself suddenly inspired. so i made two quick pages on the subject of my summer resolutions.  here they are.

loving these details
even if do say so myself
it's days like this when i'm extremely grateful for my pack rat ways and my stash.
* * *
and now i'm off to oslo.


Hit 40 said...

July has 31 days. You should have picked May to exercise!!

Mari Mansourian said...

love the colors and pattens on the papers you used, looks great, hope you can stick to the things you want to do :)
and the little buttony thingies are so cute

tangobaby said...

Adorable... so creative. Have fun in Oslo!

Janet said...

oh why did i look at this? why did i look at this? sigh . . . my housework isn't going to get done again today . . . :) and i just yesterday moved all of my "stash" into one room and set up a little desk to make it easier to "play." i'm doomed.

Ady Grafovna said...

I hate to sound ignorant, bu is an art journal something like a scrapbook then? And where do you take classes in art journaling that your blog friends do also?

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

I look at this and want to cry. I got all my materials yesterday enthusiastic to begin Tutorial #1, and have been asked to babysit this weekend.

Char said...

cute pages and I love the resolution about the bike and the camera.

Eliane Zimmermann said...

sounds like July is going to be a rather busy month for you... and a healthy one!
by the way: I was looking for the moo-code, wasn't it on your blog I saw it????? ;-((( I will order tomorrow and would like to contribute. cheers from Ireland Eliane

Eliane Zimmermann said...

sorry, found your moo-post while checking a third time, no perfect clarity today! eliane

Cyndy said...

I keep an "illustrated journal." A little different. You keep scraps of material that caught your eye, pictures that caught your breath, anything that visually made you pause. It can be from magazines, the internet, anywhere; clothing, decorating, natural landscapes. You do not worry about designing the journal, just that you keep it. Then after awhile, you look through the journal and find that you have patterns of desires--sometimes a surprise. The author who inspired this (sorry can't remember name just now) suggested that while you think you love chintz that you will find you are mad about plaid. Low maintenance, lots of fun and a self-learning experience.

For instance, I am drawn to your dots and am "stealing" them now for my journal. Thanks!

Just Jules said...

I have never seen resolutions look so pretty!

julochka said...

hit40 - you have a point there--should have chosen february, actually.

marinik - thanks! i hope so too!

TB - hi there, i've missed you!

janet - doomed or inspired, it's all in how you look at it. :-)

madame ladybug - art journaling is pretty much whatever you want it to it and you'll see the variety. if you click "rachel denbow" above, you'll see where you can take the course. and mine looks a bit like scrapbooking because i love the pretty papers and stuff of scrapbooking. i tried to scrapbook last year, but found it too square and perfect for me and not expressive enough. i do love the pretty papers tho'.

TFM - why can't you work on your page during naps?

char - those two are easy b/c i'm pretty much already doing them. i love to put things on my list that i've already done. heehee.

eliane - glad you found it. it should still be good. if you use the search function up in the top left of the blogger blogs, it's really awesome. i use it to find my own posts all the time.

cyndy - i collect stuff like that, but don't put it anywhere in an organized manner. it all goes into the stash boxes and comes out in pages--the little retro tags above are an example of that--they're tags from some clothing i recently bought for sabin. i've got masses of other stuff too. those dots are some october afternoon scrapbooking paper--it's got the pretty little yellow butterflies that i wrote "promises to myself..." on on the other side.

jules - let's hope they're still pretty at the end of july. :-)

tara - eyeballs, yes, please! but i've already emailed you about that. :-)

Tara said...

I really love your blog. I have been following it for awhile but this is the first time I have commented. Like your art journal pages very colorful and the design is very cool!

Joanna Jenkins said...

How fabulous!!!!! I love this! Thanks for sharing.

rxBambi said...

I've never done art journaling either and now I'm totally pumped!
Thanks for the link -- now I'll never clean my house...

spudballoo said...

Oh no I'm also doomed. Now I want to play with with pretty paper and textiles too. I've already stuffed my life full of photography and blogging, chuck in a couple of boys, a husband, 2 cats, 3 pigs and a part-time job and there's little time left.

Gorgeous, love the resolutions too. Good luck with that!

Do you have an iphone? Try the camerabag application, it's great for candid shots and for those 'ah, wish I had my camera' moments. I use it when I can't face lugging the Nikon out.

christina said...

i love this journal! i was working on a bit of journaling myself this week!

Unknown said...

I'm really enjoying the course! Most of my pages are yellow too. Love your promises for the summer, except the eating raw one. Just to be clear you're not planning on doing that any time around blog camp, right?

Optimistic Pessimist said...

Fabulous! Good luck with the exercise everyday. I haven't been able to manage that one yet.

Claire said...

What a lovely idea.