Saturday, June 27, 2009

blowsy and a bit past prime

it's a sunny, but windy saturday and it struck me that i'm feeling a bit like my peonies. blowsy, somewhat unkempt, windblown and a bit past prime. but still pretty magnificent.

note: when i looked up blowsy on, i was pleased to learn it came from blowze which is an archaic term for wench. and i'm intentionally using what's probably the british spelling instead of blowzy, because it connoted the wind for me a bit more and i wanted that.

hoping you have a lovely weekend going, wherever you are...

p.s. nikon rocks the color--these are completely untouched, as they came out of the camera.


Char said...

beautiful color...

I like that description too. a bit like a dame or a broad. I always wanted to be a broad.

Jelica said...

that's a cool new word for me! and the colors definitely rock.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous colours (written the British way!)

Anonymous said...

blowsy has always conjured for me visions of fat middle aged women with unkempt hair, and wearing aprons, for some strange reason!

Polly said...

I hope my beautiful new Nikon will rock colour like yours!! I love that phrase, by the way, I keep quoting it to everyone that needs to be told about Nikon.

I don't think you are blowsy/unkempt/past-prime. I hope you'll stick with "quite magnificent" tomorrow and leave the other adjectives behind!

Ana-Maria said...


Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

I've heard blowsy but never really knew what it meant. Why do your Nikon colors look brighter than my Nikon colors? Is it the Danish light?

WV: slabra. The condition of a brassiere when it's worn past it's prime.

Just Jules said...

I am waiting desperately for my peonies to open this year still. I have had this same plant for 9 years and this is the first year there are buds on the d*mn thing! I have tended to this plant more then any other and still....... come on peonie!

Yours however is very lovely ...

Lorac said...

I adore peonies and mine are now out in full bloom after a late start. Glad you liked you "eyes"! I thought of you as soon as I saw them. Funny how blogging integrates into your life.

Janet said...

color rocks!

and see? another argument in favor of blogging (not that i needed one), you learn something new every day!

Mari Mansourian said...

i hear ya.... feeling a bit past prime too..;) great shots by the way. have a great weekend too

Maggie May said...

i just used the word wench in a post :)

Cyndy said...

Blowsy: like the word, like the image it conjures. Love its origin! Isn't it funny that we spend half of our loves avoiding certain connotations, and as we become older and wiser that we learn to embrace them. Think it comes with finally feeling comfortable in our skin.

(Or maybe it's like taking naps: We spend half of our life fighting taking them and the rest of our lives begging for a free moment to enjoy one...)

Think that peonies should be the blogosphere's official flower for 2009! There have been so many splashed across so many pages with so many colors to offer from all parts of the world. Will be fun to come back and visit in the doldrums of winter...

Sarah said...

What an awesome word! Hope your weekend continues on its awesome trajectory.

Anonymous said...

Those are truly some gorgeous flowers. And what a nice word as well! For me, it has a certain kind of zest when you hear it and since I just graduated three days ago, I feel a little past my childlike prime too! But anyways, keep up the wonderful posts..they make my day. :)

christina said...

These are so beautiful! Wait! You shoot with Nikon??? Noooo. Baby, why doen me like dis? You use a imac though, right? We may be able to work through this then.
PS: I put the 5 on my blog. Thanks again.

SE'LAH... said...

Peonies are of course my absolutely favourite flowers. Beautiful colour and photos.

Finally dropping by and so glad I did.

philly5113 said...

Hey, I resemble that remark,-blowzy well some days anyway. But like someone above said, wiser.

Love the peonies. I think they are always beautiful and their fragrance is great. one of my favorite bath and body lotion scent.

That Nikon thing, yeah man, its great. I have to get in the habit of posting pics.

I_am_Tulsa said...

oooh, great word (love learning new words!) and now I want a nikon....your pictures rock!

Bee said...

Women get blowsy; men get seedy. I'm seeing gardening metaphors everywhere!

Magpie said...

i think it's always "blowsy" (not with the z, even in the united states).

i love that you admitted you were magnificent. :)