Monday, June 15, 2009

monday weirdness

macro of an oak tree that was growing when the pyramids were built

morning came too soon. i was in the middle of a really cool dream in which polly and i were going around this awesome antique fair. what was really strange is that the stands kept moving and so as soon as you turned away from something, it became something else. but it wasn't in an annoying way, it was really cool. and there was this vintage clothing that was to die for and i was just turning to tangobaby to show her an especially cute blouse, when husband's stupid alarm rang. he uses his phone and he intentionally leaves it downstairs so he has to get up to turn it off. it rang for kind of a long time and i lost that great top...dark blue with some beading and a super cute fit. sigh. mondays.

so i thought i'd share a bit of monday weirdness.

: : top 51 places that are blocked or blurred out in google maps. especially strange is that william hurt's home is listed as a college or research lab. not to mention strange that it would be blurred out. i mean, who cares where william hurt lives?

: : that stupid new visa waiver program that the US has for people from countries who don't need visas to  go to the US, but have to get this dumb pre-authorization to travel there. it gives it to you instantly, online, which makes me wonder what the hell it's really about. big brother really is watching, people.

: : cartons of wine. that just sounds wrong, i don't care if the economist says it's right.

: : pride and prejudice and zombies. i'm reading this and i think it's really weird. in a good way, but really weird nonetheless. and it makes me think that perhaps adding zombies to war and peace would make that baggy monster a bit easier to take.

here's hoping your monday is less weird than mine. 

p.s. blogger, whatever that update you did this morning at 9 a.m. my time, just brought on a bunch of spacing issues that i hope you will fix in the near future.


Extranjera said...

Weird, weird spacing issues!!!!!

I think all of Zambia is blurred out. (Or maybe they are just not important enough to exist?).

Do you mean to say that Pierre is not a Zombie? ('Cus if he isn't that bit about the freemasons is just too much...)

This might just completely destroy my love for War and Peace.

julochka said...

ext - they're improving the picture thing, but apparently at the expense of spacing. grr..

i didn't check zambia, but that was a weird list.

and you're right, pierre probably has been a zombie all along....but please say that you don't really love war & peace. no one loves war & peace. preachy-ass bastard tolstoy...

Extranjera said...

I do, I love War and Peace. I can't help it, but I love it.

It makes my top ten list of 'Books I didn't want to finish'.

julochka said...

ok, that makes me worry for your sanity. i liked anna k much better than w&p, but am most definitely a dostoevsky girl, not a tolstoy one (tho' i did like the sebastopol sketches).

Extranjera said...

But then again, my love was partly based on the fact that I took the premise of the book to be 'zombies mix with RWP'.

I'm confused now.

julochka said...

have you noticed they moved the refresh button in the new version of Safari? why do they do these things to me?

in the context of zombies mix with RWP, i can see liking W&P, in fact, maybe i will read it (again) through that lens...right after i finish ulysses.

Extranjera said...

Haven't updated any software yet. Ignore or later are more my kinds of buttons at the moment. Feel despondent due to hangover and rain.
And now losing faith in the existence of Zombies in all great works of literature too.

julochka said...

i can recommend the firmware update, it makes things all zippy again. sorry about the long hangover (was it the bad tequila?) just drink a lot of coffee (like i need to tell you that). and get better for blog camp!

Extranjera said...

Will see when the 'puter wants to update again.
Am slowly, but surely emerging again. No thanks to tequila...

Unknown said...

Hello! I've been following your blog for ages but have only just realised I hadn't said hello. So I'll say it again: Hello!

Your posts have entertained me no end over the past fortnight while I've been recovery from a tonsillectomy. Thanks for sharing the weirdness and all your blog crushes.

julochka said...

ext - perhaps emerging into fresh air from hermit cave would help. i was just thinking of showering and doing that myself.

soozie - welcome. i just went over and commented all over your blog. :-) hope your throat's better soon.

christina said...

tangobaby has come to me, in my dreams before.
i do like the voo doo, she holds over me. ; )
thank you for sharing.
; )

Cyndy said...

I went to bed early only to have a strange nightmare (won't do that again). I dreamed my house was for sale (a stranger put it in on the market) and this work crew (very similar to a circus group) was in the house and making renovations before it even sold. What was most disturbing is that they were changing the very things I have loved to leave undisturbed. I woke up while my dream voice was shouting something about getting a shot gun! When I could finally focus, I spied through a very small slit between my curtains and window the moon--half lit, but bright, and looking very far away. I watched it until it moved away from my little line of sight and finally fell back asleep. All very weird...but glad to see I am not going it alone! Although I would have much preferred to be at a flea market!!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! I just squealed in delight when I noticed that you and Extranjera are my two very first (virgin?) followers! Thanks for popping my respective follower and comments cherries! You both truly rock.

Char said...

mine is not so weird....kinda commonplace and boring but i got the shopping done early today.

hope the weirdness sorts out soon.

spudballoo said...

Oh my that is waaaaaay too much weirdness for an entire week, never mind one day. That googlemapfreakery is bizarre, i will share with MrSpud. he loves that kind of madness.