Wednesday, June 10, 2009

the simple things

christina at soul aperture had the brilliant idea of doing a blog on june 10 of the simple things that make you happy. i love to make lists and i knew i'd be busy this week, so it was nice to have wednesday taken care of.

always stones.
what could be simpler?
the architectural beauty of plants
i see russian churches when i look at these chives
poetry on the streets of oslo
a sense of humor on the side of a plane
and another plane
and one more.

and then there's chemistry.
the chemistry you have with people.
i don't have a picture of that.
but it makes me happy.

and that's enough simple, joyful things for a wednesday.

what are the simple things that make you happy?
play along today on your blog.
but be sure to let christina know.


Melanie said...

love your simple things! i'm inspired to make a little list of my own!

Mari Mansourian said...

I love people watching, especially kids at play, gives me so much joy inside.. great list :)

Stacey Childs said...

I've done one too!

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

A simple post on simple things = one powerful message.

Like melanie, I'm inspired to make a list of my own small pleasures.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh loving your beautiful happy things. And yet no licking? Hmm, perhaps you need to practice more? Would make an interesting shot too...

I will play along later, lovely idea I will stop by Christina's blog. I'm a bit stuck today too as, takes a moment, I'm working today. How to blog and connect with my virtual world when being paid a daily rate for someone else? Harumph.

Have a happy day.

Extranjera said...

Love the poem in Norwegian. How does it end?

Extranjera said...

Can it say: Livet har lært mig ikka at tro på talemåder? Can't make out the last word.

Elizabeth said...

Love the poems but my favourite is the chemistry. If I ever learn to unravel that mystery I will be a wise woman.

julochka said...

glad you guys were inspired. it seems like a good thing for a wednesday.

it does say "livet har lært mig ikke at tro på talemåder

i'm not sure i understand it, but think it's probably quite profound.

it's actually more like lines from plays, not really poetry strictly speaking, so i kinda misrepresented.

Polly said...

I've never seen poems on the plane. That's probably because I never get a chance to focus on the outside too much.

I love this simple things thing, I need to do mine now.

Cyndy said...

So when did you write this post? Last night I was working on one post and everything was just so jumbled. It has been a crazy week and it was just hard to put it all to pen or pixel. HItting a point opposite of writer's block--too much to say. So I sat back and decided to keep it simple, figuring the rest will fall into place when the right time comes. I wrote a simple post about a simple thing that brings me joy. How nice to see that my assignment is already done!

yeah, like the wv says: ossim ("awesome" with a little 'tude!)

SE'LAH... said...

So endearing...I'll be looking at chives in a whole new way now. I love it! Great post.

Anonymous said...

our mind's eye allows us simplicity if we allow it to.

ELK said...

hello to windows of your simple things! fascinating

rochambeau said...

Love the one about chemistry!
And the poem for the birds. This is great list. Thank you.


christina said...

"the architectural beauty of plants
i see russian churches when i look at these chives"

i love your eye! And your warm heart.

thank you for playing along, my friend.


Fidgeting Gidget said...

Great post and great pics! I may borrow this for today....

I want to go to Norway now. Words on the streets--awesome.

Tracy said...

Wonderful images and moments--terrific! Love your creative space here. I'm an American living in Norway--great to meet you. :o)

rxBambi said...

I love the way you see things. I'd havesaid "flowers" "rocks" "planes" " bricks" I need your eye. Or thoughts. Or something...
Anyway, great post as always. I'll be doing one as well...

Sarah said...

I thought the same thing about the flowers, they look a little like the Kremlin. Which I always thought looked a little like an easter basket full of decorative eggs. Your feet talking to you yet? Yellow shoes should not be so mean to you.

Teach.Workout.Love said...

those are really cool!!

Kath said...

I love stones as well, thank you for reminding me of their simple beauty!

An Open Heart said...

I love these kinds of lists, it completely puts things in perspective, especially if you're having a mediocre day:

Thanks to all who have inspired!

Shell said...

I so do love stones too! Wonderful list.

Elizabeth Halt said...

inspiring list

those are chives?! they are absolutely beautiful - very much like Russian churches

love your About Me, btw

honey and sage said...

*beautiful* photos and delightful sweet things!
i love the side of the plane entertainment- very cool. what airline is that?
thank you- enjoyed visiting!

elsa in germany

julochka said...

i can't keep up with answering everyone, but i love so many new people stopped by! christina started a beautiful thing today!!!

and to answer at least on question--the airline is Scandinavian (SAS). :-)

Yolanda said...

These are all good ones. I love the name of your blog. I have visited before but haven't commented.I will be back.

Anonymous said...

STopping back to say thanks so much for suggesting this, I LOVED doing it. My photos are gigantic though, need to resize them...but then they are all pretty things...sigh.

Hope your feet are talking to you again!

Just Jules said...

I wish I had seen this before I did my post - but may use it for tomorrow. I post a gratitude and favorite thing every day (if I remember) on the side bar of my blog.... they are almost simple things.

My favorite simple thing is hot running water. I may be over simplifying it. But, several times a year we spend a weekend at the hunting shack and during the summer we camp - both of these excursions do not come with hot running water - it is something I appreciate every day.

w.v. is light - not kidding

Lori said...

I love the poems on the planes and your stones in the basket are gorgeous.

McGillicutty said...

Beautiful post and I had no idea that chives had heads... thanks for enlightening me... as usual. Happy end of the week to you!!!!

Umā said...

i'm so surprised at the poems on the outside of the plane — i had no idea!
wonderful list!

Relyn Lawson said...

As I play along with Christina, I find myself visiting all her friends tonight. Let me tell you, it is a lovely way to spend an evening. And of course, Julie, you surprise me. I have never seen airplanes with a sense of humor. Much less an airplane with a love of poetry. I am inspired. And, very simply, delighted by this. Yes, I am.

Leau said...

Love this list! I'm right there with you about the rocks. I can't tell you how many time I've had to pay extra to come home from almost anywhere because I simply could not leave rocks behind! Thanks for sharing

tangobaby said...

What a great post and those iPhone photos look pretty damn good.