Sunday, July 26, 2009

blog camp 2.0 - sept. 4-7

there are still a couple of spots at blog camp 2.0 september 4-7 here in denmark (that's labor day weekend in the US), so do let me know if you'd like to attend! it's a riot of laughing, blogging, taking pictures, hanging out and drinking quite a lot of wine.


kristine said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE that photo!

Cyndy said...

I send my regrets (my deepest regrets) but will continue to have on my list of things to do, no matter what the number!

What amazing colors you captured! So alive!

Bee said...

That picture is truly joyous and a nice visual metaphor for Blog Camp! Why is it so much more colorful in Denmark? Or is that just YOU?

I'm going to write about 1.5 soonish, as soon as I dispatch Spain at any rate.

I've been reading your backlog from the past couple of weeks and wishing that I could just communicate telepathically.

Janet said...

I'm so glad you just really wanted to use that picture! it's a wowser!