Saturday, August 22, 2009


all day long, people have been asking me what time it is. and blissfully, i have had no idea. i intentionally didn't put my watch on and clocks have been conveniently out of view. we had only one appointment today. sabin's riding lesson. and she was aware of what time we needed to go to that, so i didn't have to be. and it was bliss. sometimes, you just have to let go of all those human constructs (because time (or at least how we conceptualize it) is a human construct, you know). and you just float through your day. eating when you're hungry. drinking when you're thirsty. lazing about in bed reading 'til your desire for tea drives you to get up.  making stuff if that's what you feel like - and really listening to your inner self about what you feel like. drinking tea. going for a walk when you feel moved to go for a walk in the sunshine. going for a drive when you feel like going for a drive. drinking coffee. eating ice cream when you feel like ice cream. listening to the inner rhythms, not the outer ones. and it's bliss, i tell you. absolute bliss. kinda like stonehenge. timeless. outside of time. impervious to time. i wish i could do it more often.


Cyndy said...

Oh! I can say it now, but then again you just did: Welcome Home!

So which rock from Stonehenge did you stuff into your suitcase?

wv: rebed: the blissful feeling of coming home, especially to your own bed

iasa said...

True words sister. Even when i behave in such a manner i find those other fokkers won't just let me be. How uncivilised they are.

Ju said...

Spot on. I love this careless feeling too. Sometimes we need to just switch off. More recently, my girls have been asking for a 'midnight feast' (they must heard from a fairy tale) and we let them take few marshmellows to bed. Yes, bad for their teeth, but every now and then... Why not?

Meri said...

What energy did you feel at Stonehenge? Just wondering.

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

Hm. That's actually how I live my life!

I must be tired - at first I thought you said people kept asking you what time IS and I went on this entire philosophical mind ramble before I realised what it was you wrote. I also wondered how come you know so much about time.

Delwyn said...

Hi Julie

I love how you have turned time on it's head...

Happy days

rayfamily said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! I love those days that you can just sit back, be and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like an ideal day. If only we could all spend our lives like that, I'm sure it would be quite blissful.

I'm new here, but I thought I should say welcome back and I hope you enjoyed yourself :)

MD said...

Exactly. I think you hit the proverbial nail on the head with this post. The idea that we get so caught up in what we are supposed to do leads us away from we ourselves feel and want to do. Taking that time to actually listen to oneself and to live extemporaneously (literally out[side] of time) is so liberating but what it is all about.

Mariana Soffer said...

Lovely post, The first time I went a way for a long time from my country, I went to england with a couple of friends I was arround 23, and that trip changed myself, it let me discover and broaden my whole world, and among one of the first things I had the pleasure to see and study what it was known from it was this beautifull rock monument made many many decades ago by a very different culture than the one we are now.

SH -ic said...

I love to be here .. oh old
i have been to stonheng e in a moon night and made some picnic ..

Lynne said...

total bliss! I've been amazed by how many of the blogs I've read today have been about peace. It must be in the air!

Bee said...

We've been in just that state all weekend . . . but I'm thinking we should drive up to the ancient Ridgeway and enjoy this warm, breezy day.

Happy memories of Stonehenge last Sunday (even the fried chicken in the car).

Char said...

that a beautiful, decadent, wonderful and wonder-filled day to me. enjoy

bored.mind said...

i totally agree with you. we should sometimes just let everything float by around us without having to think of time. its a blissful way to spend the day. :)