Tuesday, August 25, 2009

what i learned: monday edition

things i learned today:

: : the porcini (karl johan) mushroom is a wily foe. it ducks when you pass by and is very, very silent.

: : you should not spoil your view of a book by seeking out videos of the author talking about it.

: : late this afternoon, as a treat for my being a good girl, diligently getting all sorts of work done all day, i gave myself time to try to catch up on some blog reading. i chose one of my favorite, but woefully neglected blogs, just a moment of miscellany, and i read all 23 entries that were in my reader. and according to bill, who awoke to what he thought was a spam attack, i commented on 19 of them. i can see why this seemed like spam. but, in fact, it was a really interesting experience, to read nearly a month's worth of posts on one blog in one go. normally, we read blogs post by post, as they are written, leaving each one behind as the next day's post replaces it. but reading a lot of posts at once gives you a different, holistic, more coherent view of a blog. and i have to say that i highly recommend it. and i also recommend you start with bill's blog, as i did. you won't be sorry and you just might learn something.

: : sunlight, falling through a single spot in a dark part of a pine forest can look like artificial light. i assure you, no flash was used in the taking of this picture. because we know how much i hate flash.

: : the child will soon need a new bike. tho' she may want a horse first.

: : if one mushroom has a bitterness that spoils your creamy pasta sauce, you can actually mostly fix it with a little red currant jelly.

i'm sure i learned other things, but these are the ones that come to mind. more tomorrow...


Maria-Thérèse ~ www.afiori.com said...

I like the grey, softish photo!!
I sometimes read blogs like that, mostly when I find a new one and sort of zone out for a little while, or zone into the blog... Should do it more often.

Pattern and Perspective said...

Did you read something by Elizabeth Curtis Sittenfield? American Wife possibly? As of late, I think I've decided to read and buy all the books on the Long List for the Booker Prize...plus some other novels from the UK. For example, I do have a love of YA books -- so I'm going to read Mr. Toppit which sounds interesting. Currently, I'm reading People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks...but soon I shall be reading the Little Stranger by Sarah Waters, A S Byatt's the Children's Book, etc. My father and mother, avid readers (my mother is a librarian after all), said UK books are much more intelligently written than those in the US. Is this true? I will find out. I'm also looking for all the Angie Sage books, but I'm not paying a ridiculous amount. I do like first editions though....and all the Joseph Delaney Spook books. These are just for fun....I read young adult and adult novels ...but have always had a place in my heart for historical crime fiction. I digress...I'm rambling. What have you read lately?

I vote horse. Although, it's easier to put down a bike than a horse if they catch ill.

That Sittenfield video was from the IOWA writer's workshop and I was thinking my long lost relative, who did not appear to be polite when I contacted him about being related to my father, worked for that outlet; but, he works for the Missouri Review. There was some ridiculous falling out many moons ago over some ridiculous little hardware store in Ft Smith, Arkansas. These relatives fought tooth & nail over nails (literally). To this day, the two sides don't talk. Such ignorance.

rxBambi said...

I had no idea that the porcini mushroom was shy... always a good thing to know! Great photos, and I love the mushroom one. Your photos never cease to amaze me.
Looking forward to what you can teach me tomorrow...

kristina said...

that first photo is just fantastic!

are you really sure that the porcini is silent? didn't I read somewhere about singing yeast cells - surely porcini sing too? ;-)

d smith kaich jones said...

Ditto Kristina. That first photo is fabulous! Fabulous!

:) Debi

beth said...

wait...I wrote about flash hating today too....there is something in the air for sure !

we should name it....how about the flash flu ??

Char said...

I didn't know that about the jelly - that sounds very interesting.

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for writing about Bill's blog. Just been there and saw hours of reading material just waiting for me.

Ju said...

So many blogs, so little time... a twenty first century dilemma.
I also think the first picture is very special.

Ju :)

lea said...

beautiful shot! and yes that porcini mushroom is a sneaky fellow ; )

Joei said...

I don't have much knowledge about Porcini mushroom, but your photos are beautiful It's full og emotion.

Have a nice day


bored.mind said...

great pictures!!..i didnt know about the mushrooms thingy, so added knowledge for me today. yay! :)

Sammi said...

It is funny you should say that, I am currently going back and reading all your posts that I have gotten behind on. When I get so far behind though, I tend to comment less because I think it's an event that has passed. I am worried also that someone will think, how on earth is she that far behind!!!

Bee said...

I often read blogs in this way because I have way too many blogs to keep up with on a daily basis (but I don't like to miss out on good stuff).

I will try to visit these two when I have a spare hour or more . . . but it won't be until September!

More kudos for that beautiful and strange photo.