Tuesday, September 08, 2009

arbness and funny things

this is a funny thing i saw on the beach

~ i just heard on the radio that swedes are flocking over to denmark to stock up on alcohol. now, we're used to that, what with their restrictive state-owned liquor stores, but normally, it's not rubbing alcohol. apparently the H1N1 flu scare has gotten to the swedes and they've emptied their own pharmacies of rubbing alcohol and those alcohol-based hand-washing products, so they're coming over to denmark to buy up ours. the guy on the radio said we had plenty as danes had not yet begun to hamster that sort of thing. i love that danish way of putting the squirreling away of things.

my beach creature's shadow

~ i read recently that there is now a drug to "cure" shyness. and you wonder what's next? read some more here. jelica had read this too and we talked about it at blog camp and we concluded that shyness actually serves a purpose and perhaps shouldn't be "cured."

here's my beach creature w/my beloved (and slightly dilapidated) south african havianas

~ snark has now been officially defined and analyzed, by no less than the guardian. i love the guardian. but i think i'll be a bit careful about about being snarky from now on.

my beach creature poses fetchingly by the beach blanket

~ you can get a commodore 64 emulator for your iPhone, for those moments when you're feeling all retro, which, as we know, is very trendy.

~ and speaking of trends, the unemployed just might be the new fashionista trend-setters. at least in san francisco.

~ the maldives are feeling climate change. but will it be enough to call the world to action? i fear the netherlands will have to go before anyone will really pay attention.

~ we're looking at two different farm properties with possibilities. this one and this one. the latter is ready to move in to (tho' lacking a barn for the horse we want to get) and the former has many possibilities, but requires lots of work. hmm. what to do? and how do you decide?


Maggie May said...

i have no deep thoughts. just a hello :)

Unknown said...

How do you decide? Listen to your heart - just make sure it's not your tummy rumbling.

MissBuckle said...

Gut instinkt. You have enought of that, Julochka.

Very Top Five said...

Loving the beach creature thing. Rawr.

Also, I enjoyed your blog. Really entertaining

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Interesting photos - and love the meandering nature of your thoughts. Little interesting tid bits from here and there. Thanks.

Ju said...

The sea monster you capture is fabulous. And I love the fact that our beloved Brazilian Havaianas are joining forces with SA; it's all for the World Cup next year. Yay!

Cyndy said...

I love your creature, but would also like to see the faces of people as they passed by you while you were taking pictures! The beach was probably abuzz with news of a sea monster! wv: suraff: unidentified items that are washed up onto the beach by the surf. Make great photo subjects! ; )

As to the farms. Do I faintly hear a voice like Isak Dinesen whispering, "I had a farm in Denmark?" The architecture looks similar between the two, but I am most struck by the flatness of the land (I must brush up on my topographical geography). You could truly be master of all you survey! Would think that Viking husband would prefer the land with water. Just sayin'...

iasa said...

Pretty sure there is already a fairly cheap shyness aid, it's called alcohol.

I would think hubby could knock up stables in a weekend or two ;)

McVal said...

The 2nd one wouldn't load for me, but I'm loving the first farm home! Wow! But tell me. It looks like Greek to me! How much American dollars are we talking??

will said...

Before buying a fix-it-up house watch the old movie w/ Tom Hanks... The Money Pit.

Optimistic Pessimist said...

a cure for shyness?? sounds lie a recipe for disaster if you ask me.

wonder what would happen if you took the cure for shyness at blog camp?

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

Tell the Swedes to stay home and just buy tea tree, lemongrass, oregano. Kills everything.

I vote for farm #1 because of the lovely blue trim.

I'd better hurry and vaca in the Maldives before it sinks. Venice, too.

Char said...

I love linky links to explore - and your funny little alien there.