look at these beautiful girls in my blue room! and am i loving spud's ultra wide angle tokina lens? yes i am. is it now nestled down in a box of fabric over here on "my" side of the desk? perhaps, but if you don't tell, maybe she'll never notice...
How pretty! It actually looks nice - and by that I mean hmm, maybe I wouldn't be scared to join that little group of people. I tend to stay away from people and spend quality time with my own mind and my camera ;)
I love the blue room!
The pictures on your blog are always lovely. You have quite a talent.
fun, fun, fun.... too bad i couldn't ship that tequila to you guys...
How pretty! It actually looks nice - and by that I mean hmm, maybe I wouldn't be scared to join that little group of people. I tend to stay away from people and spend quality time with my own mind and my camera ;)
You're loving Spud's camera and I'm loving your blue room! Wish I was there!
i can not get enough pictures of your house. someday, give us a tour, would you!
wish i was sitting there next to little S. Someday...
Oh wtf Spud has a lot of lenses she'll never miss it. :o)
tee hee...too late! i saw it on the bench last night and snaffled it back....;-) xx
What a great cosy room. Perfect place to spend with friends.
Your blue room is amazing! WANT! It suits my perception of your personality so much! Isn't if funny how a room can say so much about a person!
I want a blue room too! Ooooh, I wish I could be there!!!! Hope you are all having fun!
I love it. Spud you look so sweet sitting there! Hi Sabin, and mystery women 1 & 2.
Is that a lovely blogger sitting by your blankie on the left over the arm of the chair?
blues never been my color. but this is awesome...everything about this room has soo much character.loving it.
Congratulatiojns for your blog. It´s got fantastic photos.
Greetings from Spain.
Oh! I miss the blue room! You all look so cozy in there!
looks like everyone is having a great time
remind me again, why i live so far away! have fun, my beauties.
I love that room so much! I would love to have a space like that, well, EXACTLY like that at my house.
Can I just move in!?
Do you remember the color of that blue paint? It is like water and sky, only amped up.
(Great picture . . . loving Spud's dear face.)
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