Tuesday, September 29, 2009

skewed views of stonehenge

back in mid-august when i attended blog camp 1.5, we visited stonehenge. i had the old family heirloom rolleiflex TLR camera with me and i loaded it with a roll of Kodak ektachrome professional film that had expired in 1991. well, after the film spent several weeks at my local camera shop where they were befuddled by the fact that not only was it 120 film but professional film and expired to boot, they finally sent it off for processing at a place that could do that and i just got it back today. and these are a couple of the results. i do so adore that you have no idea how expired film will behave. this, coupled with my inexperience with the rolleiflex produced these overexposed shots. but i love them. even more because i managed not to get any of the crowds of people standing behind ropes around the perimeter in the shots. so i think they do justice to stonehenge's inherent mystical, ethereal feel. and i'm pretty pleased that i remembered to do polly's signature skewed shot, which also seems to fit stonehenge.

* * *

please do check in on the new project - domestic sensualist. we're posting every day during this kick-off week!  and on across ø/öresund we're back to our nikons this week after a week of iPhone photos, so do stop by and see what we've seen. i'm off doing interviews and (happily) seeing some old friends for the next couple of days, but i'll be back wednesday evening.


will said...

Did ya know ... Washington State has it's own Stonehedge

kristine said...

I was just reading an atricle today (in the guardian maybe? cant remember) about how film photography with expired film is in vogue. i think you demonstrate why!

Char said...

love the dreamy purples and blues

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

The overexposed, wonky pictures work! Enjoy your time away!

Sammi said...

i live near there.

Stonehenge is awesome. But I really love Avesbury, a similar thing, except there is a road to the village through the stones. Very... odd? Surreal at dusk when they look like giants.

Jelica said...

it just occurred to me that last week i've been making photos on a film that has stayed in our unused SLR for about... five years? i'm taking it for developing later today, so i'm curious what will come out of it.

Loredana said...

I love unexpected beauty like this!

heidikins said...

I think they should paint Stonehenge purple...something about it just makes the whole thing more Awesome. ;o)


Meri said...

I once found a several-years-expired roll of film in the kitchen junk drawer and sent it for processing. The photos came back with the most interesting magenta skies.

Unknown said...

This totally works for Stonehenge... and this takes me back and reminds me of the photo of our feet.

Suecae Sounds said...

The overexposing certainly gives it a different feel. But different is rarely wrong. Cool perspective!

d smith kaich jones said...

Shooting expired film is like a box of chocolates . . . except you can always count on what we in the photo business call blagenta.

kristina said...

love them! I want to see them all :-) and of course I want a rolleiflex...

spudballoo said...

Fantastic!! Love them...think the lenses might need a wee clean? Love that wonky one in particular. x

kristina - no penny for them said...

love those shots!

i've never used a medium format camera but really want to. now i have one more reason, seeing your results! :)