Tuesday, October 20, 2009

lost in translation

line up your dogs, please.

but i wasn't climping the boat, sir, really i wasn't.


ADRIAN said...

I love these but a little unfairly as I speak no Danish.

Zuzana said...

Ah great, thank you for a wonderful morning laugh!;)

Eliane Zimmermann said...

i love those multilingual signs. here in ireland you can often find them at street junctions and exits from ferries, airports and even gas stations: please drive left!

Polly said...

dogs should always be taken in line and to the sounds of one of those american military songs they do when they march

Suecae Sounds said...


Maria-Thérèse ~ www.afiori.com said...

I see a sort of Disney film in my head, dogs in line, climping to the tune of a happy, confused song.

Sammi said...

I love things like that. There are so many in Spain also!

MissBuckle said...

Oh how I love when things get lost in translation. I guess I´m lucky unerstanding the Danish too.

Thank you for a good chuckle.



Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Translations are always good for a giggle.

http://howtobecomeacatladywithoutthecats.blogspot.com said...

I put Hickory the Wonder Dog in a line with himself. Not sure if he'll stay there, though.

A Cuban In London said...

'line up your dogs, please.'

And shoot them?

Well, they shoot horses, don't they? :-)

Greetings from London.

Sarah Anne said...

Baha! Those are awesome!

kristina - no penny for them said...

i absolutely l-o-v-e this, i so do!!!

(i'm a translator, by the way.)

SE'LAH... said...

you make me wanna learn danish.

:) smiling.