Tuesday, November 24, 2009

people lack imagination

preemptive apology for blurry pictures. these were taken at 3:45 p.m. and as you can see in the window reflected in the mirror, it's already pretty dark outside. and we know that i refuse to use flash. or a tripod. but i think you'll get the idea anyway...

we met with our real estate agent today for a status meeting. he had some analytics on the hits the house has had on the website. it's been viewed 896 times in the 42 days it's been for sale. six couples have looked at it, so an average of one per week. he says those numbers are unbelievably good. i would like to have looked behind the hits to see how many of them came from all of you guys and my droning on about it here on the blog, but i didn't want to be too much of a web nerd, not in that context.

we talked about what we could do to make it better when people come to view it. and he mentioned that several people had commented on the missing plaster on the bricks in the hallway. i burst out laughing. because it is so obviously missing intentionally and obvious that we've carefully painted up to the edges. because that's how we WANTED it to look. rustic. maybe a little mediterranean or at the very least balkan. but he said that 3 of the couples who had looked at it expressed grave misgivings about plaster that wasn't staying in place. and i wondered, do people really truly lack imagination to that level? and apparently the answer is yes. half of the people who have looked at the house have proven they have a limited imagination. why am i surprised?


Anonymous said...

What!!!!????? I'm speechless.

Maria-Thérèse ~ www.afiori.com said...

Maybe if you put googly eyes on it? Or inscribe something to make it appear as if you salvaged antiquities.

Are you on Facebook btw? If so, perhaps you would like to add me. Search for Maria-T h ér èse Ander s s on Afiori

will said...

Obviously it's because the house has been ravaged by earthquakes. Why else would the plaster be missing.

Here's a true story about the last time we sold our house and moved. A few shoppers commented they didn't like seeing wall to wall carpeting in the dining room. So I ripped out the carpet and over a weekend I installed solid tongue and groove oak flooring. I then used a fast drying finish on the floor so that people could walk on as soon as possible.

Oh, and I had all the kitchen appliances professionally painted in a modern color.

I like to think these things helped sell the house during a sluggish market time.

Jelica said...

they're just not into mediterranean/balkan style, which, automatically disqualifies them as tasteless :)))

Bee said...

Maybe if you frame it?

I wonder how many new hits you will get on the house today from the blog peeps? count me as one

Nancy said...

In one of my former lives, I was a real estate agent. House hunters (even the normally smart ones!) are notoriously incapable of figuring out what's a structural issue that can't be changed vs. a design issue that can be easily changed. They SEE purple paint, think "I hate purple paint with a passion!" and often fail to move to the next stage, which is, if I buy this house, I can paint it ANY color I like! Hang in there!

An Open Heart said...

Perhaps the description of the house isn't writtne well.....or the agent isn't as imaginative, either....because if i was selling your house, I'd have sold it by now.....


Bamboo said...

Wow! I am shocked at that. I love the exposed brick and the way you so carefully have it exposed. Very artistic and beautiful. I don't see how EVERYONE cannot get that vision. I personally think it is beautiful, just clear those people are not the right fit for your home.


What ???

Delena said...

Your home is so creative and it would most likely appeal to others who have the flare like you do. I love the colors and that plaster wall is awesome. Personally I wished I could buy it!

Suzanne said...

Well, 3 out of 8 people/couples lack imagination. Or perhaps more accurately, they lack imagination and a sense of humor. To actually think for one second that it could be structural rather than intentional is baffling.

I would buy your house BECAUSE of the exposed brick. The buyer is out there.

rxBambi said...

Do the other agents realize it's supposed to be that way? I'm speechless...

Polly said...

It's definitely got the mediterranean/balkan-ish look with that artistic curve. But I love Bee's suggestion - frame it!

But the real question is what where you doing up at 3.45 in the morning?

McGillicutty said...

Why don't you post it on etsy? that way you're attracting the right kind of buyer!!! Good luck!!!!

christina said...

As soon as I saw it I was like, OHHHH, I love it!
What's wrong with those people? Shaking my head.

Se'lah said...

OK, that is hilarious....I think it looks fantastic. Makes me wonder, what was behind all the walls...bet some really pretty bricks.

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

That's okay. You don't want to do business with idots anyway.

Char said...

it is always amazing to me that people want a "perfect" house when they look at previously owned homes.

you're right - no imagination

Unknown said...

In any case, you don't want the beautiful and especial house that you've built to go to any of those couples! I'd like to say I can't believe it, but lately, I've been dealing with lots of people without imagination... sad, really!

Lisa-Marie said...

Someone didn't wat to buy our flat becuase the kitchen units are white. Someone else didn't becuase we have one wall painted red in our bedroom. People are crazy.

Indiri Wood said...

When I sold my last house I had to go through and paint every wall cream to get it sold. The Realtor wanted me to paint it white but I drew a line and refused. The buyers all loved it and I wanted to cry.

I agree with B. If the buyer doesn't get that it was intentional and can't appreciate it then who wants them to have that house anyway. Too much thought went into your home for it to be wasted.

Magpie said...

Oh, bonkers. Yes, they thoroughly lack imagination.

Molly said...

Totally just been adding to the site traffic numbers on the agent's site! Julie, your house is SO beautiful. I'd always known this but in those pictures if it in its surroundings are just magical.
You must be pretty sure you're ready to move to have it on the market... How's Sabin feeling about moving on?