Monday, November 16, 2009

simple things

it's time again for the simple things, with the most beautiful soul i know, christina, of soul aperture.

whimsical toys
antique stores
flea markets
used books
café latte

pine cones that mean christmas is coming
the red starbucks cups
a discount on the discount
very old ship models

fernet branca on a sore throat
hot toddies with 8-year-old bacardi
another scheduled blog camp in january
60 mm macro lens

a crackling fireplace
a fresh pot of tea
the smell of gingerbread
stacks of new fabric

a walk with a camera
a surprisingly balmy day
sunshine peeking through the clouds
poetry on the side of the plane
a surprise in the mail
christmas ornaments in a shop window

do stop by christina's for more simple things.

what are the simple things you love today?


Unknown said...

Loving the red cups! Make a gingerbread latte all the more special!

Lisa-Marie said...

Those vintagey decorations are lovely!

Unknown said...

The red Starbucks cup! Yes!!!!

Zuzana said...

I love all the things you list, particularly antique stores and flea markets.
I always appreciate the simple pleasures in life...

rayfamily said...

Wonderful list, I love the photo of the baby pine cones!

Suzanne said...

When I am feeling bad, your blog always makes it better. And when I am feeling good, your blog always makes it better. xoxo

kristina said...

So perfect. This has totally made my day. And reminded me I really do need to pay more attention to the little things... K x

SE'LAH... said...

love the whimsical toys, robots, and your great list!!!!

Jelica said...

what a great list! i've received three books in the post this morning and that has completely made my day, so you could say that amazon is the simple thing i love today :)

christina said...

this post warms me. yes it does.

Anonymous said...

Pine cones & Christmas ornaments = Pure Joy.

Such a lovely list. :)

Jakki said...

A discount on a discount...cant fault that at all, LOL

Your photography is beautiful....very crisp feel to it

peace to you and yours...

Teach.Workout.Love said...

ooo i love that stuff! esp. the robots! so cute!

Tracy said...

Hello! Visiting here via Christina of Soul Aperture... You have a lovely blog and exquisite photograph!... Thank you for sharing your sweet, simple moments. Happy Days :o)

Mari Mansourian said...

great list J, the crackling fire oh ya.. my list is up too :)

Caroline said...

Ohhhh love your list! Your photo are gorgeous...

Char said...

oh...i adore christina too

beautiful list - beautiful shots.

i love robots and dinosaurs. along with good coffee, happy thoughts and a warm blanket.

Sherry said...

I absolutely adore your list...some things on here I immediately said "yes!" to -- the smell of gingerbread, used books, the red starbucks cup, hot toddies...mmmmm...wonderful! Your photography is amazing by the way!

An Open Heart said...

"discount on the discount"....

Love that!


Marion Williams-Bennett said...

beautiful list, beautiful photos! Thankful for your simple things!

Shell said...

A Simply fab list with lovely pictures.

stephanie said...

Great photos and great list! I love walking with a's amazing what can get captured.

beth said...

I loved your list...and that pine cone photo is just yummy I tell you....yummy !!!

urbaNiche said...

what a beautiful list of simple things!love the robots and the whimsical toys

Bee said...

You have so many simple things here! It suits you, though; you are all about plenitude.

I love the Christmassy bits; I need them in gray November.

Jessica said...

These photos are just gorgeous, especially the ship.

margie said...

i love your photos, beautiful simple things.

Graciel said...

gorgeous list! a walk with a camera...simple, cheap therapy.

Visually Oriented said...

SOOO many wonderful things on this list - I love it.

And having a Macro lense for me would be one the most wonderful - but for now I will settle for walking around with a camera...

Just Jules said...

"I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feeeel sooooo bad"

I loved this post. Made me very very happy.

Dennis H™ said...

wow! amazing're very talented

Memories Of Mine said...

Nice list, it is comforting that certain things keep popping up but in unique and individual ways, written for bloggers heart.

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, your list. Your list! You have me grinning at all the things I love but didn't list. whimsical toys especially.