Wednesday, November 04, 2009

wordless wednesday - rain

we're also doing rain this week on across ø/öresund


Zuzana said...

This looks as if taken from my window of my own hedge, the spirea.;)
Yes we have rain and storm too, I could hardly sleep last night.;)
Have a great -even though rainy- Wednesday.;)

Kikit said...

i love rain because it's a wonder of nature. i love rain because sometimes, i see a rainbow after it pours :)

Anonymous said...

these are absolutely refreshing pictures. :) i really love taken pictures after the rain. the rain water has a very dramatic effect.

Ellie said...

How beautiful. Love autumn.

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

This could be Pennsylvania. My fav is the third one down with the big fat juice drops just about to fall. Lovely job Julie.

Chiara Ulivi said...

I like fall, I like when it rains and I'm on my sofa, reading a good book or even outside, taking photographs... fall colours are so comfortable! love these pictures :)

clairedulalune said...

I love your photos, they make make me yearn for a super dooper camera. Come on Santa, bring it!

McGillicutty said...

Beautiful pictures, so juicy!!! Hugs.. Ali.

*jean* said...


Marion Williams-Bennett said...

Just beautiful. Oh. I look at these and can just hear the rain drops. Peace.

rayfamily said...

fantastic shots!

Jill C. said...

Beautiful pictures!

Bamboo said...

Very beautiful shots. I love the rain.

Mari Mansourian said...

love the photos,
love the rain,
miss the rain,
want the rain back :))

Wanda said...

I love shots of water drops. And in spite of the contribution to keep Oregon green...I am so glad the constant rains have not yet hit us.

Anonymous said...

Aaahhh...wordless Wednesday. Peaceful and beautiful.

Indiri Wood said...

I can almost hear it raining just looking at those. They're lovely.

Char said...

love the reds

Unknown said...

lovely series and yes I think that was one out of this series that I spied over on across ø/öresund.
