Sunday, December 13, 2009

all dressed up....

the reports of the nearly 1000 protestors detained yesterday here in copenhagen continue to be conflicting and sketchy. most of the accounts i've read (nytimes, bbc, the guardian, seattle times) cover the arrests in a cursory manner and then move on to the larger picture of the potential agreement that's on the horizon at the end of the COP15 meetings. and i think that i'm heartened by that, because it means that the focus is indeed on the bigger picture, which is the future of our planet and not whether some people wearing cow costumes were arrested for covering their faces (which apparently isn't how we wish to conduct ourselves within danish society). apparently all but 4-5 people were actually released without charges, so i think that the whole thing was a show of strength by a danish police force that has done a lot of preparing and hasn't really had anywhere to channel all that energy as of yet.

i mean, it must be rather disappointing if you've made all those preparations for violence and the majority of the messages coming from all of those gathering in copenhagen are ones of hope and peace and mutual caring for our planet. oh, and solutions.

bicycles that save up energy for when you need it.

a model city of the future that is jakarta (which i'll admit i found rather counter-intuitive).

shopping bags with a positive message.

a room for silent meditation.

and even france being ready to do something other than go on strike.

even brad pitt wants to save the earth.

no wonder the police were feeling frustrated and like they wished something would just happen.


Elizabeth said...

Your absolutely right. The police had to show that they were in CHARGE. Well they did, this time we are lucky the journalists saw it for what it was and turned to were the whole thing is about our planet.


Um, interesting post ! thank you. Have a great week

will said...

I agree with your assessment of the protest and police activity. And it is good to hear about governments 'saying' they want to save the planet. Unfortunately there's little historical evident for actually believing them. It's also too bad protests have been marginalized by ordinances and the apathy of most people. It's also unfortunate that protesters have become clown and goofy costume shows. They don't seem to undertand, that stuff doesn't impress the people they want to impress.

Ellie said...

I' so sick of hearing about "prohibitive costs" and the need to maintain economic growth while reducing emissions; don't these people understand that UNLESS WE DO THIS there won't BE a global economy??? This is one place where the bottom line isn't actually cash. It's having a world that will sustain life. And I am not so stupid as to know that economic downturn will result in poverty for some and a lower quality of life, but this is an arena in which we can't afford to be selfish.

Just Jules said...

I got all linky on you today in my post :) You really have earned a sponsor deal with Nikon.

Anonymous said...

even brad pitt, eh? well, there's hope for us then, i guess. :P