Wednesday, January 20, 2010

the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

i knew getting up this morning was a very bad idea. i had dreams of looms and tangled yarn and woke up rather exhausted and with a dull headache. it was gonna be a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

the sidewalks were covered with snow and needed shoveling. again. and i had just shoveled yesterday.

we were almost late for school because i sat like a lump and didn't make sabin's lunch "packse" 'til the very last minute.

my period came a week early (too much information, i realize) and i discovered that the teenagers had used up every last feminine hygiene product in the house.

it was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. i began to think of moving to vanuatu.

the blue room fireplace needed cleaning and i dropped ashes everywhere.

then, i had to take the car down to get new front tires and have an alignment.

on the way there, there was a speed trap that i didn't see. and i was going 68 kilometers per hour in a 50 zone. on my american driver's license, which apparently should have been switched out for a danish one years ago. but i never checked and certainly never did it.

so i wasn't allowed to drive home, since apparently now my american driver's license, despite the fact that it expires in 2027, doesn't count as a valid driver's license since i live here.

so i had to be driven home by the police.

and to get a danish driver's license, i now have to go spend a small fortune on driving lessons and take the test and everything. despite the fact that i've been driving since i was 14.

it's been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

i wonder if you need a driver's license in vanuatu...


Miss Footloose said...

Oh, I feel your pain! Living in foreign countries offers you all sorts of interesting/frustrating experiences, and driving is one of them. In some countries license issues are more easily fixed/ "fixed" than others, like Denmark. Hailing from Holland I know there they do take their driver's licenses seriously.

A bad, bad day indeed. Just by coincidence, my last post chronicled mine, a day the Devil came to play. It's here if you're interested:

Hope you get your license soon!

MissBuckle said...

Oh, Jules. Those Scandinavian beurocracies.

I'm having a bad day too.

Fidgeting Gidget said...

Booooooo! All of that sounds terrible!

I am still driving on an American license in Canada after almost three years, as is my husband. We also still have Michigan plates on our cars. I hope we don't get caught.

kristina - no penny for them said...

oh shoot. you deserve a lot of good to make up for such a shitty day.

can husband and sabin pamper you a bit to cheer you up?

Cyndy said...

I would crawl back into bed, snuggle under the covers for a bit and just start over...

BC Vanuatu? Doesn't have the same ring...

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

Some days are like that, even in vanuatu!

Hope it has gotten better!

Wine helps.

Just Jules said...

you know what - periods suck and we should talk about them more and how they suck... but not when you are having a bad day!

Barb said...

That was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. I hear they even have those in Australia. I hope tomorrow is better! Hugs.

mel said...

Oh Booooo!! That IS a no-good-very-bad-day! XO

eDITORcHRIS said...

Aww sorry that happened, what a day!! Nice for a story, though :-} LoL

**Now, how are you driving 65 in a 50 zone!! L0L

eDITORcHRIS said...

And I agree with Just Jules..ever wanted to hurt a guy who complains too much about nonsense while you have yours bcuz it makes you feel that he knows nothing about dealing with real pain && aggravation!??! LoL

What's wrong with this world that a single license means nothing somewhere && everything elsewhere??

Amy said...

Here's hoping today is better. (It can't be worse, right?)

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

Wow. I can't top that one. You DID have a very, very bad day. Hope it gets better very, very soon.

f8hasit said...

Some days are meant to stay in bed with bonbon home delivery.

Now if we could just recognize those as we swing our legs out of bed!

Hope your new drivers license picture turns out good!

Char said...

you definitely win the worse day prize. ugh - i'm sorry.

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

Why is it that bad things come in groups like that? Actually I believe the term is "clusterfrick".
What you need is a good high fat, high sugar, high carb high.
Sending you a cyberhug.

Indiri Wood said...

Well that just sucks!

When I moved to Nevada several years ago I found out I had to retake the written tests because I wasn't 25 yet. even though I'd been driving for 6 or 7 years already. The rules are incredibly stupid.

Hang in there and tomorrow is bound to get better (and maybe tonight if you take The Fragrant Muse's advice)

Unknown said...

So sorry you're having such a bad day! I can't believe that you have to take classes again? Can you not go straight to the exam?

will said...

Maybe. But you have a loving family, a home and hearth, good health, a car, intelligence, talent, progressive values and personal success. The license poblem, etc. are chump stuff, don't sweat it.

kristine said...

oh dear. I hope things are better.

Let me just tell you that I dont know about vanuatu but to get a drivers licence in belze i had to answer the following question:

"how tall are you?".

That was it.

Sadly, I am willing to bet nobody else had to pass a test either, so driving here is not exactly what I would call safe...

berfin said...

I am sorry for all that happened..
But, hey, did you ever think that all these mean to go somewhere, that they lead to something better?
What's signs could they be? Hmm let's think:
1- Call your doctor(having them earlier may not be a good sign.
2- you are lucky you could have had a car accident instead.
You sounded tense in the previous mail anyway, have your healthchecks done.
I am sorry for all that happened.. If you feel that bad, take a ticket to Istanbul and have good rest. we have the snow here..

Sarah said...

Oh J! That is just a totally sucky day! I am sorry for all that badness, hopefully today was much better!

rad6 said...

ok, that is pretty bad!
Today is bound to be better.

nath said...

oh my god, that is one BAD day. you poor thing. surely it can only get better? go to bed at the earliest opportunity and draw a line (a big black one) under (or through) the whole thing.

Magpie said...

Damn, what a bummer.

Bee said...

That IS a lot of bad stuff in one day . . . particularly for someone who is hormonal and lacking the appropriate supplies. (There are two bars of chocolate, though. That should help.)

I wondered if that driver's license would catch up with you someday . . . but I'm very sorry that it did. Down from the Blog Camp high with a very big THUD.

Gwen said...

wow. that is pretty effing bad.

tomorrow will be better? (she said with her fingers crossed.)

discounderworld said...

Painful! Grab a wine and crawl into the bath...

Unknown said...

What a nightmare day! I'm sorry to hear. It can only get better now, right?

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

It was like watching a snowball, collecting more detrius as it rolled downhill!

Lisa-Marie said...

First of all, *hug*. You are such a nice person, you shouldn't have days like this.

Also, you can come and live in Scotland, you could use your American drivers' license here.

Marilynne said...

Hugs from rainy Southern California. We're having a rainy day, which I suppose you would trade for your snowy day.

I wish you the best with your driver's license. That's a big problem. I'll have to check and see what my granddaughter who's in Finland has done about her license. She's very methodical and has problem done it, but I'll just check anyway.

I hope the rest of your day goes much better. Declare it a rest day and treat yourself a bit.

Katea said...

Wow, the crud was really making its way around the world today hitting many of us. Hopefully tomorrow will be better (and not just a little better, because not getting driven home by the police will be an improvement, but more than that, it should actually be a full-on good day!)

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the dreaded drivers license! I have to re-do mine as well. Converting from a Zimbabwean one to a South African one is apparently way too complicated for the traffic department here. Once I have found all the forms etc and handed them over, it was going to take an average of 18months just for me to get my little card. No I don't think so.
Learners license and test, all over again, here I come. Bah....
Hope u feel better!

prashant said...

Those Scandinavian beurocracies.

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