Friday, January 08, 2010

week 1: art journal calendar

the sunny side - 4th attempt at free-form embroidery on my sewing machine! i'm loving it!!

it's week one of daily working in my little moleskine art journal calendar and i made it through with motivation intact. in fact, most days, i had to restrain myself from doing more than one page and thus far, i have done that, because part of the exercise was to develop a daily practice of drawing or painting or other artsy endeavors in the same place. to work ahead would be to let myself off the hook another day and while i'm not saying that i may not eventually do that, i'm not ready to do so yet.

so i hereby give you what i've got so far:

january 1-2, 2010

january 3 - 4, 2010

january 5 - 6, 2010
the swedish stamp was from a package i got from kristina that day.
it's a ski jump (i think), so i painted it a little mountain.

january 7 - 8, 2010
the little viking ship stamp i carved myself from an eraser.
and the robot is one of my first attempts at free-form embroidery with my sewing machine.

close up of the robot.
i just glued him onto the page.

i've noticed a few things as i'm doing this:

: : the lines aren't bothering me like i was afraid they would.

: : i feel an obsessive need to date each one, despite the fact that it goes on a page with the date on it.

: : and i want to write where i was when i did the page. i guess that's something i've done in my written journals for years as well, even down to recording hotel room numbers in hotels around the world. i wonder why i feel a need to do that?

: : watercolors are my medium of choice at the moment.

: : i am LOVING the free-form embroidery, even if the little owl i did first looks like it was vomited up by a cat.

the vomit owl
thanks spud for that name. :-)


Char said...

i have the same problem - i want to keep going when i only do one page. but...i missed last night as it was a big football night. boo.

so, does that mean i can do two today? eek!!

i so have to get watercolors - i've been making do with color pencils. i'm so jealous of your stitching - it's way way cool.

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

I hate lines and conformity so much I made an entire business out of creating my own style notebooks :)

I love the little robot and the page with the houses was so surprising and fun to me when I scrolled down! I can't really see the owl. It looks a bit like a gnome? You have really cool handwriting btw!

kristina - no penny for them said...

you seem to have soooo much creativity, it's plain amazing... these pages look wonderful!

i'm keeping a diary as well (my 365 diary), but most of the time i just write and put in scraps or tickets and the like. maybe i should try drawing, collage etc. as well? hm. seems like a wonderful idea.

Barb said...

I love the buildings and the robot. I wish I was doing an art journal. But I've got too many irons in the fire right now. You go, girl!

Dan Holloway said...

This is fantastic. Have you come across The fiction prioject being run by Brooklyn Art Library:

They basically give you a moleskine and a general theme; you fill it with art and words, send it back, and it goes into an exhibition then permanently into the archives of the Brooklyn Art Library.

Indiri Wood said...

Oh, I love the sun! I've noticed that you can remove the "push it forward" guide on the sewing machine (no idea what it's actually called) but I've never tried it. This turned out lovely.

rxBambi said...

I'm thinking I'm going to dash the novel thing for the art journal thing. the book thing just doesn't seem to be happening for me. Grrr. I guess a week into jan isn't too late to be starting... Yours are awesome tho. I love your fishies.

dogimo said...

That sun is fantastic! Love the dark background, and the pale blue thread in there.

As to everything else, the notebooks...I hope when civilization is billions of years gone, and whatever comes next comes poking about in the ruins, I hope it's your notebooks they find. Give 'em a good impression of us all!

Shokoofeh said...

You're amazing, you really are.


stephanie said...

I love this! I might have to borrow this amazing idea to help me get my creative juices flowing. :)

Meg said...

I did a journal like that a few years ago! I absolutely loved it! I ended up using mainly water colors in mine as well. After seeing your posts, I want to make another one :)

SH -ic said...

you are very eager loke this very .. said...

Your journal is amazing! Love it!

Occasionally called Robbie said...

Your work just makes you smile I love it! :)

Joanna Jenkins said...

That is the most awesome journal I've ever seen. You are so creative and talented!

Thanks for sharing it with us.

Anonymous said...

i love your looks fantastic! how wonderful that you have done this. you motivate me!

Deb G said...

How wonderful this all is! I especially love the robot.

The Redhead Riter said...

free hand is getting better!

Just Jules said...

wow - it looks so good. and thank you for showing us the vomited owl - after your FB post... I could picture it, but love the true blue one.

jude said...

my spirit is lifted.

Bee said...

Here comes the sun! Love it.
Interesting that your palette seems to be mostly blues and oranges.