Friday, February 26, 2010

room for a pony

two days. eight properties. so many thoughts swirling in my head. i think i've narrowed the 8 to 4. and can safely say that two are totally and completely out. another one, i didn't actually get to look at due to it being inhabited by germans with whom i shared no language and the scattered disorganization of the agent responsible for the property.  and one ruled out based on the fact that i drove past the wrong one (tho' that one was great!) because someone had written down/told us the wrong address.  and i bought a truly fabulous orange coat (hangs head in shame at violation of year of not buying things) at an outlet i stumbled on just east of the middle of nowhere.

but how DO you decide which house to buy? there are so many factors at play, it seems overwhelming. we want a horse (danish law says horses are social animals and we have to have two, so actually, we want two). we want enough land for said horses and for a big garden. we want a nice barn. we want a house that although it might need some fixing up, is livable in the meantime. we want it to be within a reasonable distance to work and school and grocery stores. we don't want to be too far from other people, but not too close either. we don't want there to be a highway planned through the middle of the property. we want it to be a good neighborhood without too many originaler. there should be a riding school nearby. it should be big enough for my coming fabric shop/café/blog camp HQ. there shouldn't be bits of it falling off. we shouldn't wish that it came with a bulldozer.

the ideal property would actually be the land from one i looked at, the house from another and the barn from a third. where i grew up, my parents found the land, built a basement and moved in the house and barn from other locations, so they combined the things they wanted in one place. i'm afraid with large brick buildings, that's not going to be possible here. so we're going to have to make the decision the old fashioned way. by talking about it endlessly and thinking really hard. sigh.


Unknown said...

Even though moving is without a doubt annoying at best, isn't there something kind of magical about the search for a new home?

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

If you are in no big rush, it can be a very interesting process to find the land and home that are just right for your family's needs. Looks like you have already found some interesting options. Good luck!

Mary Ellen said...

These all look quite lovely to me - good luck in finding the perfect (or at least the good-enough) place to replant your family.

Anonymous said...

If it weren't for the snow, I'd love them all. The new house must also have a big room for your studio. Maybe you should even paint it blue.

Anonymous said...

Wow, they all look awesome! I didn't know there was a law in denmark that horses had to be kept together, that's great! Wish we had that in Germany, social animals suffer so much when they are kept alone. The horses at our barn just love to play with each other and cuddle and interact. Lots even share a stall in winter because they are more comfortable that way.

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

You will know when it's the right house.
Good luck!

Tracy :)

Elizabeth said...

Oh I am so glad that there aren't too many wishes to be forfilled. It is a good thing you saw the houses during the winter and not when they are bathing in the most beautiful sunlight.

Have a lovely weekend.

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

Okay, I'm going to go all new-age with this one.

When you have your choices in place (or even if you have a few), take a photo of each property. Spread the photos on a table then pick them up one at a time. Sit quiety with the picture. Close your eyes and let the property "talk to you". Journal about what it has to say. You might feel ridiculous at first, but the more you relax, but easier this exercise will be. You may want to do this a couple of times before the right one comes through. On some level somewhere the house is already there for you. You just need to let it make itself known.

Even thought you are an amazingly creative soul, I know you like to think think think. See if you can leave your left brain of this for a bit and let your intuition speak.

Dutchbaby said...

With a long requirement list like yours, I'm amazed you have multiple choices. I couldn't even begin to hope for a house like you describe here. At least not affordable ones.

I agree with Tracy, you will know when you see it. Just like falling in love.

Zuzana said...

Good luck; buying a house is one of the most important decisions in life. But, in your heart you know which one is the right one.;)
Have a lovely weekend,

beth said...

we have moved so many times and it's hard to pick the right house...
I always want the house to pick me, but that never happens....
the house we are in now, was the one that fit our furniture best....not always the best way to go...

so I wish you the best of luck knowing whatever you pick, you will make it yours and beautiful and wonderful and full of love...

and to have horses....swoon !

Anonymous said...

Wishing you happy family conversations about your new house...I know you'll choose the right one. Choose with your heart. And I'm thrilled to hear you still have plans for that little farm shop!

An Open Heart said...

So, here's a fun thought....photograph each of your choices, list their amenities and then post them on your blog and ask your readers to vote!

just a thought....


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

But what a fabulous decision to have to make!
I think the Danish law of two horses is quite wonderful, too!

Kim said...

I hate decisions at the best of times - so I feel for you! My thought on the matter is - they're just buildings. You and your family will make it a home...

et lille oejeblik - a little moment said...

all these look great. so exciting (and probably also exhausting) to look at houses, eh?

Magpie said...

the red brick one is gorgeous.

Gwen said...

Hoo boy, it's a good thing you don't want *everything* because that'd be hard to get. :)

And if you really really get too guilty feeling about that coat, I know a woman in Zurich who'd take it off your hands.