Monday, March 22, 2010

the age of contentment

a lake makes a nice birthday present. but i got that loom too.
i got an early birthday present yesterday when the realtor called and said that the seller had accepted the terms we'd offered on the property over in jutland (this is property #2, to our knowledge, the dog sled has never arrived at the owner of property #1, as we've heard nothing from those clowns). things are really falling into place. it seems both like it's taken an eternity and that it's happened in the blink of an eye. in just two short months, everything we thought about moving to a farm has changed. we thought we'd move to one here in our area, but now, we're packing up and moving across the country. it's funny to think that the whole thing was initiated by a friday afternoon phone call from a friend as i walked from one terminal to the other at copenhagen airport, picking up the blog campers back in january. one phone call can change your whole life.

window on a whole new life.
since it's my birthday, i had mulled over making one of those lists of things to do before my next birthday, but in light of the enormous shift that's happened in our thinking and in our lives, i'm not sure that it's worth setting out such a list. because it's so hard to know where life will take you and if you're too focused on a specific list, you just might miss some golden opportunities. what if we'd not opened our minds to the possibility of a move to a new area? then we'd not have new jobs and a 17-acre farm with a lake and a house built in 1895 (for a good quarter of the price of what a similar property would have been here). what if we'd stayed focused on our original little list of things we thought we wanted? i shudder at the thought.

of course, that's not entirely fair to lists of goals and many of the goals on a list as long as mine would be - if i were making one of those 43 things to do before i turn 44 type lists - would be more frivolous goals, like the one from last year's list that said, "become blog of note." i also had more ephemeral things on the list like "be more present," and "dare more" and "believe more." i suppose some days i fulfilled those goals and some days i didn't. i never had things on my list like "run a marathon" or "lose weight" (tho' i undoubtedly should) or those typical resolution-type goals. it would be more fun to have something on it like "make cupcakes once a week" or "talk to a stranger once a day," but my photo-a-day and art journal calendar projects are enough for me and since they're not specific to my birthday, it seems a moot point to make a list.

but it's weird with birthdays when you've reached my age. tho' it's a bit ho hum, i feel comfortable being 43, it feels like the right age to be. it's where i'm at. i wouldn't want to go back and i feel there's still loads to look forward to. it's likely that i'll never run a marathon, but that's ok, i never wanted to anyway. it's interesting that as i look both back and forward on this day, i'm quite content to be right where i am.

a little self-present for my birthday. a felt brooch from lilfish studios.
* * *

i've written more about the new property over on livet på landet.


Elizabeth said...

Congratulations on moving forward. You write you feel comfortable 43, wait til you become 45. That is so much fun, if you are like me, your fountain of life will be giving you so much energy.

Hope you have the best birthday ever and know the best is yet to come!!!!

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

Happy, Prosperous, Healthy, Amazing Birthday Julie! Yes, you do seem content at this time in your life and exactly where you're supposed to be. You and your young family are still building your life together, but with a surety and sense of stability that I find comforting.

I'm thrilled to pieces about the new property and the adventures ahead of you, though I may need to fly over with buckets of oils to help clean cobwebs and remnant ghosts.

May this be a year of nothing but goodness. xo Liz

Lynne said...

I think you must be feeling content, because you have gone from being 30-12 to being 43!
happy birthday!

Suecae Sounds said...

Sounds like you are at the right place. Good for you! :)

Erin Wallace said...

Congratulations on a wonderful move forward! You have such an exciting time ahead of you!

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet Julochka!! And you look great the way you are - what do you mean lose weight? Did you use a body double for those shots of you (or "you") in the orange coat?

I believe in having goals when you need them and be open to whatever happens when you need it. Too many goals or conditions seems like control to me; I'd feel caged.
I hope that your goal or instinct today is to have delicious birthday cake!

Lisa at lil fish studios said...

A very happy birthday to you! Sounds like new adventures are running up to greet you, good luck and congratulations!

(and a big thanks for showing off my brooch here - I blushed a little)

Jeannette said...

Happy Birthday! And I for one can´t wait to see what will happen to you in the next year! What an adventure!
I have to catch up with your other posts....I just got out of hibernation.
Have a wonderful day,

Sammi said...

Happy Birthday Julie!

Hope you have a great day :o)

Sarah said...

Happy, happy birthday!! xxoo Boy do I love this post and reading of how you're content and pleased with your life. Good for you! It's nice to read this. (I'm 44 and not so content really). You're a wonderful writer by the way.

And congrats on the move too! YAY!

MissBuckle said...

Happy birthday, sweetie! Have a big glass of sauvignon blanc for me, and I'll have one up my end :-)

So glad for you that everything is falling into place with the farm.

Big hugs,


Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Happy birthday--I do hope you will have a very special day!! Love the house and how lucky to have a lake to yourself.

Have a great week!

Tracy :)

Char said...

i think the 40s are the time to have whatever you want on your list and to live life like want to, on your very own terms. it's a time where i've earned every wrinkle on my face and every gray hair that i have so far. so, that being said - i think you wear it well my dear.

many, many, many happy returns for a wonderful year with many more wonderful years to come.

Lisa-Marie said...

Happy Birthday, and happy new house! I very much look forward to reading your tales of this new year of your life, and of your new home!

mrs mediocrity said...

Happy Birthday! The new place sounds amazing, and like it was meant to be...I love serendipity!
The 40's...after a certain point, you just move right past so many of the tiny, insignificant things and start to focus on what is truly important in life. I'm not exactly looking forward to fifty, (especially what fifty will actually look like), but I would not want to go back, ever...
And it is always great to give yourself a little present!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY and congrats on your new home to-be!!! I'm sure you'll have an amazing time making a new life for you and your family out on a farm in Jutland and I can't wait to read about it!
Isn't 2010 going to be exciting?

Molly said...

I got the date wrong - sent you a telepathic happy birthday yesterday - so glad I can wish you on The Day and goddamn congratulations on the farm! That is truly exciting.
Happy Birthday dear one x

heidikins said...

Congrats on the property! That is so exciting!

Also--HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I sincerely hope that you have a fabulous day and it is the beginning of an even more fabulous year.

Lots of love and cupcakes,

Meri said...

Sometimes life is much richer than our small little imaginings. Celebrate!

Kim: said...

Happy Birthday! Even though we've not met in person (yet!), please know that you are a fantastic source of inspiration and fun. Cheers to you and congratulations on what's to come!

Barb said...

I'm so happy for you! I would love to be moving into a romantic old farm house built in 1895! And I get what you mean about being comfortable at 43 (although I'll be 44 in May). It doesn't seem like I should be any older or any younger. Just fits, somehow. I LOVE that window.

Unknown said...

Grattis Julie och lycka till!! :) said...

Congratulations on getting the property! What a wonderful birthday present... just what you deserve!

Megan said...

cheers to your birthday (event though I am a little late)!

and congratulations on having your offer accepted!