have you ever gotten new contacts and had them make you sick? i got a pair of contacts with two strengths in them - bifocals, if you will (it seemed appropriate on my thirty-thirteenth birthday) - just to try them out. they have the bit in the middle for seeing your book or your knitting (which have been a bit fuzzy around here of late) and your real prescription around the outside edges. apparently, your eye will work together with your brain and figure it all out and eventually, you'll clearly see the things you need to see. however, apparently my brain and my eyes were not speaking, because they made me almost instantly nauseated. and i stupidly kept them on for several hours. even after i removed them, it took hours for the nausea to wear off. and kinda ruined my birthday dinner. so anyway, for lack of anything better (and because i'm getting up at the crack of insanity to drive three hours), i give you signs of spring...
Beauuutiful! Still knee-deep snow here :-S
Sorry to hear about the nausea. I'm lucky enough not to need glasses and I don't think I could ever put stuff in my eyes! gah. I might be able to put contacts in but to take them out.... Oh no. I don't know how you do it.
Sigh...I love your photos. And I love your Spring. I want a Spring to cheer me up, for now I shall just stare at your pretty little yellow flowers for hours on end and pretend they are mine. :o)
Happy Birthday. I'm sorry your new contacts make you woozy. Maybe you need to work your way into using them all day.
Love the pictures. We don't have those here.
Happy happy birthday!
Other than that, I have one word for you: LASIK
Did it ummmm wow 6 years ago... never regretted it. Love it. I can see.
Happy Birthday to yooooouuuu! Love the yellow buttercup flowers...are they buttercups?
Damn. I envy the color rendition of your gear.
Oh Julie... the things you have us only 22y.o.'s look forward to!
I am glad you are thirty thirteen in this post and not 43 like in your last post!! :o)
Happy Birthday and thanks for the gorgeous spring flowers. One last blast of winter romped across the midwest last weekend and willfully ravaged any and all daffodils on the cusp of blooming. Alas, they'll recover and so will I. My birthday gift on the 18th was the 65 degree day that preceded the snowstorm. I didn't get a lake, however. Just a photo of me with my best friend at her first grade birthday party way back in the sixties. ; )
Love your signs of spring photos! The only sign of spring we have here is rain so far!
Beautiful pictures Julie ~ hope the contacts and your brain make peace! Barb xo
Actually, my glasses did that to me too. Every time I wore them I'd get sick.
Beautiful, beautiful images this morning. SO happy to see them here. I need spring so badly!
oh I hear ya...I tried those a few years back and they made me see double, so I took them right back. Now, instead, I have to wear reading glasses with my contacts, lately even to see the computer screen!
Happy Birthday, Julochka! What beautiful spring flowers to honor the occasion!
The photos are SO sharp and the colours SO brilliant.
Happy birthday wishes to you!!
that your bifocals ruined your birthday dinner is just wrong.
I went to the eye Dr. and he told me I needed "progressives". I said "Well, thank God it's not bifocals because if they were bifocals, I'd feel really old."
And the Dr., who is Indian, said in this lovely accent...
"no, no, no, no, don't be deceived. Progressives ARE bifocals."
I was queasy for a week; it gets better!
happy belated bday. I have had contacts make me sick - almost felt as though I had vertigo!
I adore the pics of the flowers and wait for the morning I wake to find ours poppin up
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