Thursday, March 25, 2010

scenes from an atelier: by sabin, age 9

i turned sabin loose with the cameras at my weaving teacher's atelier this afternoon and these were the results...

pencils await inspiration to strike.
a peek through a plant at the beautiful, unique, fish-laden woven window panels.
jewel-toned materials await their chance to be used.
wool in waiting.

i'm just blown away by the child's natural eye for composition. these photos were all taken with the nikon D60, but she took quite a few with the nikon D300 as well, tho' at first she complained that it was too heavy. afterwards, she said, "mom, now i like the "big camera" best and it doesn't even seem heavy anymore."

more about paul's beautiful works in the coming days...i have to process both my photos and my thoughts about his unique and wonderful work.



WONDERFUL photographs, thank you

Char said...

she does have a fantastic eye

Lisa-Marie said...

She has a spectacularly good eye. It's obviously quite an intuitive thing for her, and she obviously has an inquisitive, investigative nature.

(sorry to go all art teacher on you)

On a non teacher note, I love the colour!

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

The apple doesn't fall far from the camera!

Polly said...

well done Sabin! I'd think that camera would be bigger than her but look how well she's handling it

starting this early, just think how good she'll be when she's our age

Anonymous said...

Sabin does good work. Maybe she'll be better than her mother when she grows up - a result of growing up in a rich creative environment.

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

What an eye, who wonderful to see your daughter have such a vision and composition.

Lovely, clearly takes after her Mother!

rxBambi said...

very impressive... does she give lessons?

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Very nice work, Sabin--keep it up!

Tracy :)

Just Jules said...

through the eyes of a child. love it. natural talent indeed :) (however we learn alot from observation, and she has a good example to follow)

stephanie said...

I like the bits she chose to focus on. That's the most interesting part of looking at people's photos; what they shoot in focus and what is fuzzy in the photo. She has a great eye to be sure!

Numinosity said...

It's so rewarding to witness your own child's talent isn't it? Just the fact that you trusted her with your camera probably meant a lot to her. It's great that you posted these gems for us to see.


Miss Footloose said...

How nice for a child to have the opportunity to be creative like this. I don't know how old your daughter is, but at what age (about, generally) does a child have the insight and understanding necessary to operate a simple digital camera?

I would love to buy a beginner camera for a nine-year-old girl, but am at a loss. Any suggestions? said...

Way to go, Sabin!