Thursday, May 27, 2010

further proof of a world gone mad

cross-processed expired slide film in lomo fisheye2
this morning when i took sabin to school i heard a woman on the radio enthusiastically talking about her new book. i missed the title of the book and the woman's name (ya gotta cut me some slack, i've got pneumonia and my brain is bruised from all of the coughing), but the premise of the book was that Sex in the City has indelibly changed culture. in her words, the bible had ten commandments, but sex in the city has only one: "be fabulous." it was a given, to her, that this makes sex in the city vastly superior.

she went on to argue that the cultural seachange wrought by sex in the city was one of the cool, hip independent woman who doesn't need a man. i may not have seen every episode of carrie and her cohorts, but in those i have seen, the age old striving for a man and a relationship has been pretty much the main focus. that and shoes. and freakishly thin women with a lot of issues. and i'm not sure how that has really advanced us (women) as a species. other than perhaps upgrading how we look upon shoes, which frankly was already pretty much a priority for many of us even before they came along. but according to this woman, it's got something to do with a hip new yorker attitude. blah, blah, blah.

what is wrong with the world where someone can get PUBLISHED and go on the radio with such an absurd premise? the next thing you know, sarah palin will be president....


isabelle said...

i don't know if we should laugh or cry...

kristina - no penny for them said...

i must say i found sex and the city always quite entertaining - but then i'm quite happy to say that i love high culture as much as trash culture. you gotta have a certain range, don't you? ;) -- still, SATC changing the world? that's rubbish...

Sammi said...

I *do* love Sex and the City.

But that is totally insane!

Elizabeth said...

The reason she got her book published was probably because of the new movie. Right time, right subject and enough marketing drills flying on the radio, tv and the internet. She and the publisher just take a piece of the action.

Barb said...

This my sound crazy, but I never saw a single episode of Sex and the City.
Sarah who? (just kidding)

mrs mediocrity said...

yeeeehikes...shudder at the thought.

Angel Rogers said...

SITC never appealed to me and I think it is crazy someone would gush about it and compare it to the bible. Nice(sarcastically).

stephanie said...

I wonder how the woman that wrote the book things that SITC promotes an "I don't need a man" attitude. Er...I've only seen 2 episodes and I can tell that it's about men, sex and shoes. And friends, obviously. But really...I feel bad for the lady you heard on the radio, because I don't think all her cylinders are firing. And if women model their lives after that TV show (or any TV show actually) I feel bad for those women, too.

Jess said...

Oh no...not Sarah Palin...please no!!!

Lost Aussie said...

Heaven forbid that your closing thought might ever happen... !
As for the rest, living in New York you see LOTS of ladies like the SITC mob, very scary, particularly if you thought you were a well adjusted female who just like nice shoes!

Marilynne said...

The woman on TV watches too much Sex and the City. It's become real to her. I'll be surprised if it changes anything.

I've never watched it. said...

I've never seen Sex in the City, so my life has not changed at all. I'm perfectly happy with that! And what's the deal with shoes? With size 12 feet, I've never enjoyed shoe shopping.