Monday, May 24, 2010

we got stoned at the beach

not that kinda stoned, silly. but it got your attention, eh?

i'm sick - allergies turned to sinus infection which has turned to the hacking cough from hell - so i give you pretty pictures of the stones we gathered at the beach yesterday, posed in little zen, fetching arrangements...

this is beach glass

some of the 24 heart-shsaped stones i found
more hearts

i'm crawling off to curl up in front of the t.v. and watch something totally mindless now. happy monday one and all.


Our Little Finch Flock said...

Hope Your feeling better! We also had beach time this weekend - and if two posts could be any different!..... I love the rock pics.

Jodi Anderson said...

Beach stones are the best!

I am amazed by your collection of hearts. And, I am also inspired by it... as I'll be watching for hearts the next time that I'm picking through stones.

So beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

baileythebookworm said...

Very pretty photographs! I hope you get to feeling better!

baileythebookworm said...
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will said...

I prefer the POV, "Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints". A park ranger once said to me, "If everyone takes just one (pine cone, rock, twig, etc.) it won't take long for there to be none". And beach rocks do have a natural function - they slow down beach erosion from waves.

Trina Y. said...

I love stacked rocks! I can't believe hos flat they are sooo bautiful!


Deb said...

I collect heart shaped rocks too! Loved the photos...

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Lisa-Marie said...

Beautiful pictures - natural stuff is almost always beautiful isn't it!

Have some soup and a blanket!

Anonymous said...

Even with your brain off to deal with a cold your pictures are terrific. Thanks.

kristina said...

hope you feel better soon! love your stone photos, and your new header!

Numinosity said...

So beautiful and I'm impressed that your creative spirit made its way through the stifling mire of allergy woes.
it can feel as if your head and mind are encased in a high pressure coating of nasty slime and fog. believe me I know!
So far I've lucked out this year but have my zyrtec and "nasalcram "on hand when it hits.

Ellie said...

lol! They're gorgeous!

Anne said...

I'm amazed by those heart-shaped stones--even to find one, let alone 24!

Hope you feel better soon. Sending you a virtual bowl of chicken soup and a purring cat!

Joanna Jenkins said...

You totally scored at the beach! How beautiful!

Hope you are feeling better soon.


whoisnell said...

i love collecting stones/rocks whatever you name it.. i used to pick a rock from every country i visited (could be a from the road side).. thanks for sharing ^*^

kristina - no penny for them said...

lovely stones.

hope you're feeling better soon. have you tried sage tea? terrible taste, but really good with bad coughs (and i've had those a lot in the last few years).

Magpie said...

Beach glass is my favorite.