the day of the winter solstice started with a lunar eclipse. it was much cooler in person than it turned out in the photos. they say it was the first eclipse that happened together with the winter solstice in 400 years. i am happy to have had clear skies to witness it.
8:21 a.m. - december 21, 2010 |
and the shortest day of the year ended with a particularly spectacular sunset.
4:01 p.m. - december 21, 2010 |
i said i wanted to do some kind of solstice ritual, but the ritual of appreciating the light in the morning and in the afternoon, when it was here, seems to be all the ritual i need. it was a glorious day, but i will be glad to see the light returning.
how will you celebrate the solstice?
That sunset is phenomenal!
Thank you for these photos. My boyfriend and I stayed up in front of the Christmas tree, but when his cell phone alarm went off at 3, the clouds were so massive we couldn't see a thing. Loving seeing this through another's eyes! (Especially when those eyes could actually see it.)
It was too cloudy here to see it...but I love your photos!
Beautiful photos.
Two BEAUTIFUL photos!
too cloudy here too - but this is a beautiful show! welcome back light!
Christmas is hectic, but Solstice is peaceful... you had a marvelous celebration there, Julochka, just appreciating the beauty around you as the light returns! That's the best way to honor the Solstice.
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