Thursday, January 06, 2011

sew and sew

i'm on a roll. i started another quilt today - as we "speak" (11:05 p.m.), the blocks are all finished and just need to be laid out and sewn together tomorrow. i remember when i was a kid, my mom always said she had to be inspired to sew and i'm finding that i know exactly what she meant. i'm definitely inspired at the moment. and while i'm sewing, so many ideas come to me, i had to grab a notebook to scribble them down. i don't know if it's the new year or being free of the soul-crushing job or the winter light or what, but whatever it is, i'm running with it.

so funny, all that angst i had last year at this time over the whole slow cloth thing. it turns out that while i love other people's slow cloth work, i'm more of a fast cloth kind of girl myself. i get kind of a high from seeing quick results. and definitely a sense of accomplishment being able to make something beautiful come together very quickly. it appeals to my aries sensibility, i guess. and it feels GOOD to finish something and move directly on to the next something - i feel it feeding my inspiration. i'm still following a pattern from malka dubrawsky's wonderful new fresh quilting book on this second quilt, but i can also begin to see glimmers of my own ideas bubbling up...i'll soon be forging off on my own, without a pattern.

here's hoping you're feeling in flow, whatever you're doing this coming weekend.


Numinosity said...

Yes, I'm feeling in the flow today. I put a belt on my late 1800's treadle and probably am not threading it right because I kept breaking the thread. This succeeded in driving me back to the glass studio where I got in the zone for some beads I think I'm going to be proud of. ( won't know for sure until they come out of the kiln)
I fond that once the sewing machine is out it beckons much more easily.
xoxo Kim

Char said...

flowing with the bliss - fast or slow it doesn't matter as long as you flow with the bliss