Sunday, April 03, 2011

scenes from a weekend

sorry for the heart attacks caused on friday, but i couldn't resist an april fool's joke. i've never really successfully played one, you see. and after i saw the one MOO had done, with the mood ink, i just had to give it a whirl. of course i have not stopped blogging. everyone in this house would suffer, as blogging is pretty much how i stay (reasonably) sane.

so, to make it up to you, i hereby give you cute kitty pictures:
woody in the garden.
and pretty flowers:
bottom row by sabin.
a sneaky peek at what i worked on on saturday:

plus quilt layout
it's a plus quilt, using the gorgeous cloud 9 nature walk fabrics. i can tell you, after an afternoon of working with the fabrics - cutting and laying out, that organic cottons are softer and nicer to work with. i didn't get to begin sewing it as my sewing machine needs to be fixed (going to take it to a wonderful shop tomorrow where there's the coolest elderly man who i am sure can fix anything).

i wish you all a lovely week...and hope you spent most of your weekend outdoors like i did.


Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Hi Julie

Worked all weekend--but what few hours I had outdoors was great!

Love all the pictures and the quilt is beautiful.

Have a great week!

Tracy :)

celkalee said...

Do you actually have blooming flowers? Geezzzzz, I stayed in, wore double layers of clothing, cranked the heat and drank hot tea and coffee all day while oiling machines and cleaning the studio. The sun poked out for a few minutes today before the rain clouds started moving in. The plus quilt is going to be so nice, great color choices. Hope your machine is feeling better soon.

Lisa-Marie said...

You are forgiven. My heart pretty much stopped wHEn I read that post!!!

Cute kitten, and your quilt is BEAUTIFUL!

artist in the arctic said...

Julie that quilt is AWESOME!! You've got mad talent lady : )