...how much i adore this photograph that i took today. it's one of my favorites in a very long time.
...how many hours i've wasted that i'll never have back.
...totally changing around the living room.
...painting the inside of some drawers a surprising color.
...how lulled we were into thinking there was real summer on the horizon, only to be (cold)snapped back to danish summer reality.
...a sewing/design problem.
...really being a vegetarian.
...the different reactions stress causes - sleeplessness, excessive counting, a sore jaw, curtness, snapping at loved ones, unarticulated and unarticulatable anger, cleaning frenzies (i could go on, but i'll stop here, since it begins to look like i'm in need of stress treatment).
...how badly the garden needs weeding.
...reseeding some of the things that didn't seem to come up and whether it's too late for that.
...what a great week sabin has had with her friend maria.
...how much i love the design (of the front page, not the little scrolly bits in the actual page windows) and (dare i say it) the down-to-earthness of GOOP.
...how unintelligent chickens seem to be (standing on top of each other up on a little ledge where they're not meant to be, but apparently desire very greatly to be).
...how on earth this can be true. and is sarah palin shitting her pants now that bachmann is taking her flaky inarticulate freak for president role?
...whether i can apply for asylum in denmark if this lunatic beats obama (thankfully it's early days, so this may not be necessary).
...how i know i read and really liked jonathan franzen's the corrections, but i'm reading it again and find i have little or no recollection of it and am a bit mystified by the passages which i underlined on the first reading. i must have been someone else then.
...how much of a bust today really was. and how i'll never have it back.
...if i get a good night's sleep, tomorrow will be a fresh new day and i can begin again.