sabin hereby purchases poppelvej 24 (our old address and what she decided to call her treehouse), y17 belch city (bøvseby) for the totally crazy sum of:
25 danish kroner ($5)
according to the transaction and ownership of the above-named, the following apply:
~ a key will be delivered with the deed.
~ adults may enter the property, if they ask nicely and bow deeply.
~ the fireplace (outside, in front of the treehouse) may be used by the owners of the adjacent property if they bring a small oak tree as thanks.
~ no trumpets may be played after 5:23 p.m.
~ no cows, horses, buffalo, starfish or whales may be kept on the property.
~ air balloons may not land on the roof of the building.
~ the building may not be moved to ground level, but must remain a least 1.5 meters over the ground, but no higher than 30,000 feet.
~ only far (supermann) can make structural changes to the building.
~ sabin may decide the interior decoration of the building and outdoor areas and does not have to do what her mother says with regard to these areas.
~ the building may be painted on the outside if far (supermann) says that it's necessary. sabin can choose the color, but it must be either swedish red, black or green.
when everyone has signed below, and the 25DKK is paid, this deed is in effect.
signatures from buyer, the king of belch city (bøvseby) and the sweetest mother in the world.
* * *
husband is such a keeper.
the treehouse has already been taken into use as a center for secret potion production, harry potter-stylie.