after ten long years of a mediocre, xenophobic danish government utterly without vision, a new government was elected yesterday. fittingly, late afternoon, the sun broke through in all of its golden, autumn glory. let's hope it's a sign of things to come.
happy weekend, one and all.
Did you take this photo?.. Totally brightened up my Friday :)
i did take this photo, thank you! :-)
I heard this on the news this morning and though of you. A liberal government for Denmark. I hope they do great things. x
I love the picture
Hope your new government is good.
wow- gorgeous. as for the govt....I hope it is what the country needs
You must be in Denmark! Good news indeed about the change of government - and hopefully, a lightening up of some of the Draconian immigration policies.
Lovely symbolic photo.
hooray.. does that mean some of the weird laws are going to get changed that you blogged about back along?
Hello Julie
Love the sunny picture!
Tracy :)
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