january |
pinky the pony. 44 swans on the lake and memse the norwegian trotter. it was cold, but the light was already returning.
february |
more wintry weather. ice skating on the lake. cold, clear, sunny days. february had an extra day and this year, we didn't mind.
march |
pony rides, jump shots, unseasonably springy weather and homemade goodies.
april |
bunnies, signs of spring, nettle gnocchi. and the light, oh, the light. in these northern latitudes, we are so grateful for its return.
may |
my daily drive - i love this road. and the rapeseed flowers were amazing, lining my path ahead. frankie was a special kitten already then and we knew we couldn't part with him.
june |
an idyllic house on a winding country road, frankie growing up and fleamarket finds. june was a bit cloudy, but not bad nonetheless.
july |
a photo "class" for children at my local library. riding camp. and a fabulous bloggy visit in a hot, humid minnesota.
august |
struggles to bring home a little minnesota kitten named molly. baby chicks galore. and glorious summer light.
september |
experiments in homemade tonic (it was a win), a smiling tween (we're learning to cherish that sight) and frankie growing up fast.
october |
the pear tree went a little nuts - so i canned pears and made pear-ginger jam. i discovered
anne brodersen's amazing work. and we entered (and didn't win) a cake contest.
november |
a return to creativity that was mostly dorment (except in the kitchen) in 2012 with felted stones. and more cats - frankie's mom produced some little stripey siblings and he turned into a truly handsome grown-up cat himself, with a coat like a mink.
december |
sparkly boots sparkling in the snow. blue skies and frost. a visit to a favorite place.
what were the highlights of your 2012?
* * *
wowed by
this photography - such beautiful natural light. and he's danish!
looking through the photos under living took my breath away.
i must learn to make photos like this.
1 comment:
Love this idea Julie! And Chloe and I loved Sabine's cake...she so should have won!!! She won in our minds. (Loved seeing you on TV too even if we didn't understand a word.)
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