Wednesday, October 23, 2013


i ran across this list of reasons people were committed to a west virginia insane asylum in the late 1800s. hmm, in light of recent events in the congress of the united states, perhaps we should bring back that "politics" one and frankly "religious enthusiasm" wouldn't hurt either while we're at it.

i'd be in trouble myself with "novel reading" and "dissolute habits" as well as "bad habits and political excitement" not to mention the occasional "feebleness of intellect" and "periodical fits" (is that fits over reading periodicals or are they just every once in awhile?), tho' my periodical fits are possibly related to "menstrual derangement."

i've always wondered what "dropsy" was. and apparently back then there was just a "time of life" when you entered an insane asylum. "egotism" was a reason to be committed in those days, whereas today we encourage it.

i suspect that we simply go for a spa weekend to get over many of these things in this day and age. and gunshot wounds are probably treated in regular hospitals. i hope that one goes to regular prison for shooting one's daughter these days, unless it was done from a "gathering in the head," in which case, perhaps an asylum is still appropriate. not so many people fall from their horse during war, so i imagine their business on that front has fallen off significantly.

well, i don't know about you, but i'm off to clear my "congestion of the brain" by reading a novel...


will said...

May I suggest a break from your routines by animated masturbation followed by quantities of opium and several cigars which should then prepare you for even more masturbating. Since it is mentioned several times. Please dont pleasure yourself near the Salvation Army

julochka said...

i know, what's up with the Salvation Army listed as a reason? i love this list.

Veronica Roth said...

Thank god for aspirin and the occasional Benadryl or we'd all be committed! :)

c is for cape town said...

Thank god this post isn't about Elizabeth Gilbert's book Committed - I know you're a fan of hers but that book ... reading it nearly had me wanting to book myself in to an asylum!