Friday, July 12, 2024

the prodigal molly returns

i hadn't seen molly dolly since before we went to arizona back in may. she wasn't here when we came home and she seriously didn't show up again until two days ago - july 10 to be exact. my last photo of her before that was april 6, though i am certain that i saw her on may 3, the day we left for arizona. at first, i wasn't worried - she can easily disappear for a few days and maybe a week, but i'll admit that eventually i thought something had happened to her. 

i was just sick about it, but couldn't even bring myself to speak it out loud. i would go out in the garden and talk to her, both out loud and just in my head. i was so sad to think that i might not know what ever happened to her. but now she's back, like nothing happened. i wonder where she was? billy, her grandson, does this all the time - he clearly has another home and lives there most of the year, only coming home for a few weeks every summer. but molly's never disappeared for more than a few days before this. she must have been angry that we left for 10 days. 

she's 12 years old now - yes, it was 12 years ago that we brought that tiny grey kitten back from our trip to minnesota and south dakota. 


Sandra said...

I'm so happy she is home. I remember when you brought Molly home. Mark's cat used to disappear up to a couple of weeks. The last time she was gone 3 months, then showed up just before winter, thin and with a useless front leg. That's when she became a permanent house kitty. That was 2016. Molly need to write you a note when she decides to go on her own vacations.

Elizabeth said...

You look so happy now that she is home again and that's great to see!

Polly said...

That's amazing that she came back after such a long time! Although I have to say as a dog person I don't understand cats, they only look cuddly but I never know what they *actually* think.

Great to see you happy about her coming back though.

Pixie said...

I was listening to a program about a study that had tracked domestic cats and what they found is that cats usually have more than one home, even if we think they only have one. They spend time with other families who feed them and house them even. I'm glad your Molly is home.