i did it! today, i deactivated my facebook and instagram profiles and i did not tick off the box to continue to use messenger. i feel as serene and peaceful about it as this picture of snowdrops that i picked in the garden on the window sill. if anyone wants to get in touch, contact me here, write me an email or send me a letter!
i've long wanted to leave facebook and more recently started thinking about leaving instagram. seeing zuck's cold, dead eyes staring out from under that mop at the inauguration sealed it for me. it took me a little while because i do actually have to be on both platforms for the sake of my job. and it's why i've deactivated and not deleted completely (yet) my profiles, because if it messes something up in relation to work, i will need to log back on and fix it. but zuck doesn't deserve to make another dime from my attention.
when they announced that they would no longer be doing any content moderation, i knew that my time on those platforms was up. facebook was already an absolute cess pool, but things will only get worse now that all the racist uncles are completely unshackled.
i don't want any part of it. i deleted my twitter the day elon musk took it over and i haven't missed it for a single second. i will miss instagram a bit, but i'm sure that will fade. facebook, i won't miss at all, except for maybe those groups where people are selling looms. but people sell looms in other places, like on the blå avis.
i didn't make any big announcement on either platform and i have no regrets.
There you are! This stalker came from Insta because I missed your stories! Admire your stance. Keeping fighting the good fight, and listening to Taylor and loving on those cats xx
Hi Jo, I will miss seeing you on Instagram too! Thank you for stopping by. I just couldn't take it over there anymore. <3
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